the party pt 2

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I sit outside and raegan and hunter find me.

"what's wrong?" hunter asks.

"raegan's what's wrong." I roll my eyes.

"hey, guys, the shows gonna start, we have to be onstage." Tayler smiles.

We nod.

We head onstage to our assigned seats, unfortunately, mine is next to raegan's.

Because our seats are basically behind everyone, raegan decides to get touchy.

He places his hand on my knee and slowly move it up until his hand is between my thighs.

"raegan, stop." I whisper.

"sure babe." he smirks.

I roll my eyes.

"so, y/n, how did you and raegan meet?" a supporter asks.

"hmm, let me think."

"she was a supporter, just like you guys. But when I saw her, I had to have her. She was beautiful. And once I got to know her, she was even more beautiful. I just wanted to give her everything she wanted and needed. Til this day, she is still the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." raegan says.

The crowd awes.

I blush.

"ooooo, looks like someone's blushing." hunter winks.

the crowd awes again.

"okay guys, calm down." I giggle.

"are you guys dating?" someone in the crowd asked.

"no." I reply immediately.

raegan looks down at the floor, upset.

I sigh.

"okay, well we're gonna take a little break." Tayler announces.

I run backstage and into the storage room.

I sit on the floor and rethink everything raegan walks in.

"I'm sorry, I really shou—" I kiss him.

I quickly deepen it, his tongue explore my mouth and mine exploring his.

He shoves his hand down my pants and starts pumping his fingers in and out of me.

"raegan!" I moan.

"shhh, it's just the beginning babygirl." he says, nibbling on my ear.

I bite my lip.

He sits me down on a small counter and lowers my pants and my underwear.

He gets down on his knees.

He smirks.

He begins sucking at my clit.

"HOLY FUCK RAEGAN!!!!" I yell.

He flicks his tongue around, making me squirm.

"0ooo, daddy." I moan.

He sucks at it again causing me to push his head further into me.

He moves his tongue faster, making me moan louder.

"rae-raegan!!  I'm gonna c—" before I could finish, I cum on his face, but he swallows it.

"that was good, baby girl." he says, kissing me.

He pulls away, but I pull his in again, kissing him rougher than before. He smirks and we both pull away.

"let's go, before they get suspicious.," he says.

I nod.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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