the party

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Your pov:

I get dressed and walk outside to catch my Uber. I was invited to tayler's birthday bash. The drive is only about ten minutes. I get off and get in through the back door.

"Happy birthday Tayler!" I say, giving him a hug.

"Haha, thanks. " He smiles.

Once he moves, I see raegan. My ex boyfriend. The boy that's been sexting me these last few days. I begin to panick.
He begins walking towards me.

"Hey babe, why haven't you been answering my texts?" He smirks.

"Because I said we're over. Meaning I'm not going to fuck you." I roll my eyes.

"Come on, you know you want to fuck." He smirks.

"I'm here for Tayler, not for you. So please, fuck off." I say.

"I'd gladly fuck you." He smirks.

I roll my eyes and walk backstage.

"Hey Tayler, when does the show start?" I ask.

"In about an hour." He says.

"Okay thanks." I smile.

I pull out my phone and I feel two hands grip my waist. Before I can turn around they pull me backwards and I almost fall, landing on raegan.

"Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?" I nearly yell.

"Nothing really." He says, pinning me against the wall.

"Ra-Raegan." I stutter.

"Keep saying my name, baby." He smirks as he begins to kiss me softly.

He grabs my hand and leads me to an empty storage room. He repeats his previous actions and begins to deepen the kiss. I place my hands on his face and I can feel him smile.

He removes his pants and his boxers, as I remove my shorts and my underwear.

"You ready for it?" He smirks.

"Yes raegan." I say as I bite my lip.

He nods and enters me entirely.

"Shit! Raegan!" I moan.

"Shhh, we can't be so loud." He says.

I bite my lip and nod my head. He continues to thrust into me as he begins to suck at my neck. I toss my head back as his tongue swirls around my sensitive skin.

"Fuck yes daddy." I moan.

"That's what I've been wanting to hear." He smirks.

"Fuck, harder!" I moan.

I hear him chuckle as he begins to quicken his thrusts.

"Shit, y/n I'm gonna cum." He moans.

After a few more seconds, we both cum and quickly get dressed.

"I knew you wanted to fuck." He says, out of breath.

"Shut up, we're still not back together." I say.

I quickly leave the storage room and bump into hunter.

"What were you and raegan doing?" he smirks.

"what do you mean? I wasn't even with raegan." I lie.

"mhm, that's why raegan is getting out of that storage room less than a minute after you left it?" he says.

"please don't tell anyone." I beg.

"okay, but you kinda have to hide those hickeys." he chuckles slightly and walks away.

I panick.

"Hey baby girl." raegan says as he grabs me from behind.

I turn around and point at my neck.

"holy shit." he says.

He hands me his sweater.

"this should be big enough for it to hide your hickeys." he says, I nod.

I see hunter approach us again.

"Why did you guys break up? I know that's random, but seriously. You guys never really talked about it." hunter says.

"There's nothing to tal-" I interrupt raegan, "I broke up with him because a bunch of people sent me pictures and videos of him making out with a supporter. I don't deserve that kind of treatment." I say.

Hunter shakes his head at raegan.

"It was a misunderstanding!!" he says.

"How is it a misunderstanding? You were kissing someone who wasn't me!" I nearly yell.

"She tricked me!!! She said she wanted me to give her a kiss on the cheek and once I leaned in, she kissed me!" raegan yells.

"That's not what it lo-" raegan plants his lips on mine and I quickly push him away.

"no." I say, before walking away.

Yes, I posted this on ig, but I'll post the next part soon. I promise.

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