Chapter 3

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Isamu P.O.V

          Well what a surprise me being stuck with someone I don't even know. "Satoshi please give Isamu your schedule after class so he could show you to your next class." "Yes Ms.Fonz." He says. I walk to my seat and sit down "Hi my name is Isamu what's yours?"

       I ask as kind as I can even though Ms.Fonz said it earlier I was not paying attention so I don't know it. He looks at me and says "My name is none of your business." He says pretty much emotionless. "Ok" I say.

(Satoshi P.O.V)

     When I said that I got really scared because I normally get hit when I say that and when I get home Hatsu beats me. 

 (Time skip)

(Isamu P.O.V)

      First period finished so I catched up to mystery person. I took the schedule away from his hands. "Hey give it back Isamu!"  He said "I don't think it's fair for you to know my name and I don't know yours." I said he just blushed and turned around "If I give you my name would you give me my schedule back?" He asked. 

    I thought about it for a second "Fine." He smiled and said "My name is Satoshi now may I have my schedule back please." "Alright let me see what class you have next first." I said "It seems that you have German next." "No duh sherlock I just need you to help me find my class room." Smartass I thought "Follow me." I said.

Well there we go another chapter completed😊.

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