Chapter 4

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(Isamu P.O.V)

          So we finally made it to his class " Thank you." Satoshi said. "Your welcome." I said. Then he entered the class.

(Time skip)

        Finally lunchtime came but I really hope Satoshi has lunch at this time because I am starving.  When I get a hold of his schedule again thankfully his lunch time is the same as mine. We get our lunch and he walks away. "Hey "Saoshi" I said "What do you want Isamu."  He  said "You should come sit with me and my friends" he looked hesitant a little"No I don't want to I will sit by myself." "Then I will sit with you and not my friends then" he looked a little shocked "No I only mean bad luck for you so don't come near me or talk to me or try to be my friend." He said. Then he walked away without another word. Then I started to get mad because I am being as nice as I can get with this kid yet he doesn't appreciate it.

         So I went up to him and slammed my stuff on his table he is sitting at and said. "DO YOU KNOW HOW DISRESPECTFUL THAT IS! I AM TRYING TO BE NICE TO YOU AND BE YOUR FRIEND BUT ALL YOU DO IS GIVE ME ALL YOUR ATTITUDE MESS AND WALK AWAY LIKE IT IS NOTHING!" "Please stop yelling at me." He says but I don't see a single speak of emotion in him. "Why should I stop yelling at you when all you do is get mad at me for wanting to be your friend and it is rare for me to want to be someone's friend so you should be grateful." And as soon as I finished he stiffened little. "You know I probably am being ungrateful to you because you have helped me a lot around school so I am so sorry for it but like I said if you want misfortune then your free to be my friend but don't say I didn't warn you before." And that's all he said before he grabbed his tray and left. Then everything was silent.

Well that took a while by-by😊

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