> five.

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finn hopped into the red smart car with the netflix logo painted onto it. 

he felt like such a dork in the car, but that's all they were allowed to use.

he drove from door to door, smiling as he delievered the dvds.

in his opinion, it wasn't the funniest job, but it wasn't the worst.

finn finally made it to his last stop on the list.

he had to deliever the special dvd that em gave him.

he looked up at the red brick building.

it looked oddly familar, but he just couldn't understand why.

finn walked out of the car and into the lobby.

he pressed the button onto floor 2 in the elevator as he waited.

finn searched into he found apartment 9 and knocked on the door.

the door flew open and there stood the pretty girl from yesterday.

did em know about the girl.

"oh, um hey." finn stuttered.

"uh, hi." kass replied, shyly.

was it a coincidence that netflix cutie was here, again?

there was an awkward silence as they both just looked at each other.

"oh, um, i suppose you want your movie." finn mumbled as he handed it to her.

"oh yeah, i guess so. thanks." kass responded.

as she was about to close the door, he stuck his foot inbetween.

he couldn't go another day without saying something to this beautiful girl.

other than, 'here's your movie.'

"uh, not trying to sound creepy..but um... what's your name?" finn quizzed.

he trembled as he waited for her response.

"kass." she stated.

"kass? is that short for something?" finn questioned.


"oh wow. pretty name. well um, i'm finn."

"nice to meet you, finn." kass smiled. finn stuck his hand out as they shook each others.

"well uh, i'll see you around, kass."

"yeah, ok. see you around." kass called as she shut the door.

e  n   d    o   f    c   h   a   p   t   e   r

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