New Beginnings

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"Dad?" Azaes was watching his father sitting frozen on the settee. "Are you okay?" he was watching with concerned but tired eyes.

"Dad?" It was now Bran's turn to question his father. He was beginning to worry that his father was not going to be okay. "Maia will come back. I'm sure Kellas won't keep her hidden away forever."

Harry still sat frozen in place. Severus and Draco were pacing around the room. "It's been months and all we've gotten is a damn letter! What the hell am I supposed to do with a letter I want my daughter back!" Draco growled after pausing his pacing by the window.

Severus turned dark eyes towards Harry piercing him where he sat. Harry couldn't bear to look into those eyes for more than a few seconds because all he saw when he looked at them was Maia. "Harry you must speak you can't bottle it up. You know better." he chastised Harry.

"What the fuck am I supposed to say? I have nothing to say! Is that such a crime that I have nothing to say?" Harry exploded speaking for the first time in nearly half a day. "You have voiced my wants and needs better than I could my damn self." tears became to stream down his face. He looked directly at Draco "You know this is all your fault. You being the pompous ass that you are! If you had just allowed them to get married none of this shit would have happened! I will never forgive you for this Draco Malfoy! Maia has a good head on her shoulders you should have trusted her in her judgment! She is not a child anymore you can't keep everything from her now she's gone and it's been seven months!" Harry finished with his chest heaving with emotion. 

Molten silver eyes turned to emerald ones, ones that had lost their spark."How dare you!" Draco yelled as his eyes began to slit.

"I don't dare Malfoy I do!" The anger and hatred that had been festering in Harry over the past six months began to rear its head taking no heed to the potential danger he could be in.

"On your knees Potter!" He growled as he advanced on Harry. "Now!" he roared as Harry didn't do as he was told.

"No." the answer was so simple yet so powerful.

Severus surreptitiously stepped between Draco and Harry shielding Harry from the attack that was surely to come.

"Maia!" Bran and Azaes whispered at the same time.

Everything came to a standstill as Maia and Kellas walked into the room.

"Maia?" Harry questioned as he moved from the settee to the doorway. 

"Yes dad." the answer was all Harry needed to burst into tears.

He hugged his daughter but stepped back abruptly as a soft coo was heard.

Maia smiled sheepishly at her parents and her Sev. "Dad, Father, Sev, I would like you to meet Zara Jane Malfoy." she said proudly as she pulled her tiny daughter out of her carrier inside of her cloak. 

"You!" was all that was heard before the one and only Draco Malfoy could be seen flying across the room. "Is nothing sacred anymore?" 

"Malfoy drop it." Harry said sternly. "Maia no matter what you should have known to come to us." he said lovingly.

"Well it is of no importance now we were just dropping in so that you all knew we were okay." Kellas said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Draco spit out.

"We are leaving Father and we are unaware as to when and if we are coming back." Maia stated looking troubled but her voice was steady and clear. 

This was not his Maia Kellas has done something to her. Harry was contemplating how to breech the subject to Maia without causing damage or to much alarm. Something was off in the air but as he looked around the room he and Maia seemed to be the only ones affected by it. It was different then the leash but it had the same effects if not worse. 

"Bye Dad." Maia said as she hugged Harry a little harder than was necessary. She did the same to the rest of her family.

As she left Harry noticed not only the tears but the bruise that had been failed to be covered up. What was happening to his baby? 

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