We Watch and We Wait

610 33 24

Last Time

This was not his Maia, Kellas had done something to her. Harry was contemplating how to breech the subject to Maia without causing damage or to much alarm. Something was off in the air but as he looked around the room he and Maia seemed to be the only ones affected by it. It was different then the leash but it had the same effects if not worse.

"Bye Dad." Maia said as she hugged Harry a little harder than was necessary. She did the same to the rest of her family.

As she left Harry noticed not only the tears but the bruise that had been failed to be covered up. What was happening to his baby? 


"Daddy! Daddy! Help me please!" Maia was screaming. Harry was racing through the forest trying to pinpoint the location of his daughter. 

"MAIA! MAIA! WHERE ARE YOU!" The force of his screaming threatened to have his throat rip. He heard sadistic laughter and looked to his left. Kellas was there. 

"Aye, Pops!" She said smirking a smirk she could have only learned from Maia, the one Maia had learned from her father. Harry made to run in her direction when the shrill shriek of a baby had him halting to a stop and looking down. There was his granddaughter laying in a heap of blankets. He picked up Zara and continued to run following Maia's scent.

A scream pierced the air in the bedroom which had Draco and Severus up and scenting for danger. When none could be seen or scented out they turned to the culprit of the screams. Draco rolled up and over his thrashing and screaming sub. He held Harry's arms down while Sev went to his potions case. 

"Harry. Harry love, wake up, it's just a dream. Everything is okay. You're alright!" Draco's voice had started off calm but now that Harry wasn't waking up it started to take on an edge of hysteria. 

"Move Draco!" Severus said sharply. "Ennervate!" He said sharply watching Harry like a hawk. Emerald eyes flew open and darted around the room quickly. 

"Maia! Zara!" He croaked out as soon as he took in his surroundings and realized where he was. He looked over at Draco when the blond let out a shaky breath and raked a hand through his hair. "We have to help them Draco!" he cried as he feebly attempted to sit up.

"Help them?" Draco asked his voice showing his concern and need to understand what had caused his little sub so much fear. He watched Harry as his chest heaved and his green eyes filled with tears once again. "What happened to them love? What did you see?" He asked lacing the question with pheramones to help his sub calm down.

"It's Kellas. You were right Draco!" Harry gasped out. Severus who had been standing like a shadow next to the bed moved then to prop Harry up and sit behind him so that Harry was leaning on him. "She's after them! I don't know where at.. it's in the woods somewhere. She wants them. She was sadistic looking Draco! I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you! But we have to help them now!" Harry said as he fought against Sev's hold to get up and get dressed. "Let me go!" he hissed at the older Supero biting down on the arm that was restraining him. Quicker than a humans eyes could follow Severus was standing dragging Harry with him by his hair. He drew himself up to his full height which had Harry's feet dangling in the air as he fought the punishment, tears running anew down his face. Severus then bent Harry's head to an unnatural angle and bit down at the jugular vein releasing his pheromones into Harry's bloodstream, causing Harry to go boneless and limp in his hold. He then threw Harry onto the bed. 

"Apologize" he said in a growl. His anger was etched into every syllable. 

 "I'm sorry." Harry said quietly with his head bowed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2018 ⏰

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