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*Bonus part*

Selena's PoV

No. No. This weren't true. Justin just broke up with me? No he's not...

I felt warm liquid rush down through my cheeks. I cry as hard as I can. I felt my heart sink, I just fucked up everything. How could I?

I starts to sob louder when someone knocks on my door. Please no, I'm not in the mood. I immediately wipe my tears and head to the door. I opened it, Taylor and Ariana.

They both immediately give me a hug while patting my back.

"Shh... Tell us what happened.." Ariana said as we walk to the couch.

I felt warm liquid rush down through my cheeks again, I'm crying.

"What happened Sel?" Taylor ask with an assuring smile on her face.

"I don't know. I-I can-can't remember.." I sob truthfully. I really don't know why I am on his place,half-naked.

"Just tell me anything you remember..." Taylor said and Ariana smiled at me. I nod my head.

"It was the other day, the day I am super chill here, relaxing. When he rang me. I tried to ignore him so many times but he keeps ringing me. There was a time I decided to answer him, and I told you that thing. Then that other day he rang me again, and I answered him..." I breath. I'm still crying and my eyes felt stingy. They both attentively listening to me nodding their head and giving me hopeful smiles.

"Then he said he wanted to talk. I-I said yes. We meet on his pla-place. I am so stupid on agreeing on that." I cried as I face palm myself saying I'm stressed.

"Then he offered me coffee. I don't know but after that I felt dizzy, and everything is blur." I breath. I can see confusion at the same time worry on their face.

"Then the mor-morning I woke up. I-I am half-naked and so-sore..." I cried, they both immediately gave me a warm embrace and assure me with everything.

Justin's PoV

"Justin! Justin! Open this fucking door! Or else I'm gonna break this down!" I heard Alfredo said. Huh. I  am sure he's with Zayn and Ryan cause I heard those two talking about me and Se-Selena.

"Go break it." I mumble as I sip the last drink. Last! That fuck! I want more.

"Justin, please open this damn door!" I heard Ryan said. I just ignore them for good ten minutes until I heard the door knob clicked.

Wow, they opened it.

"Justin, stop." I heard Zayn said as I open the refrigerator to get more beer. I just rolled my red-puffy eyes.

"Justin, look at yourself." He said gesturing me,"You look so damn fuck up. Stop drinking and let Selena explain. I swear, if she ever fuck Abel. She never meant it." Ryan said. I felt my anger when I heard his and her name.

"Guys, did you just came here to mention them? To stand for them? C'mon she didn't need to explain herself cause this photos explain it all.." I said while I hand them my phone. The photos of Selena and Abel kissing on his bed. Selena is topless as well as Abel. And that view us a horrifying one.

"Oh." They all said.

The Real End

Okay, so I felt guilty without explaining what happened but I still think that it didn't explain anything, sorry.

Do you want a sequel?
Cause I really wanted too, but guys I really need your supports..❤

Thank you again, I love y'all!❤❤❤

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