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All of my morning classes are finished and now it's time for lunch, right after lunch I have study hall for an hour. I walk over to my locker and put away my morning class books and fill my bag with the afternoon books. Other kids are either doing the same thing as me, talking amongst each other or walking to lunch.
I finish grabbing my books and close my locker, I turn around and see the same two boys from this morning right across the hall from my locker. One of them is closing his locker and the other one is talking to him in a hushed, scared, urgent tone with the look of anxiety on his face.
I decide once again not to think anything of them and start walking to lunch. I don't remember the two boys from last year but then again I don't really pay attention to others and no one pays attention to me so I don't hear any of the latest drama.
I go to the lunch line and wait behind the long line of kids waiting to finally eat something. There are a few options of food and I decide on just a sandwich and an apple. I take my food to a empty table and start listening to music while I eat in peace.
'Tap tap' i feel a light, short, tap and I take out my ear buds to turn my attention to the person who dared come over to the loner girl. I almost take a double look as I see a smiling red head standing in front of me.

Lydia Martin, Lydia, is looking at me.

Lydia is the popular, perfect girl, every high school has one, but Lydia is different, she's still pretty much a bitch but she doesn't have a herd of followers, maybe because people are scared of her, I don't know. I've always noticed something different with Lydia though, she's not you typical popular perfect.

"Is this seat taken?" Lydia asks, she has a look of genuine sincerity twinkling dully in her emerald green eyes that you wouldn't see if you didn't look closely. Her strawberry blond hair is curled to perfection, the coils cascading down her shoulders like a water fall.
       It's like she's actually interested in knowing if I want her to sit with me but she seems like she's covering it up, faking the nice look. She even sounds smart but with a mask of dumbness covering her tone.

     "No," I reply with a twinge of suspicion in my voice, I know she hears it too because she smirks like she knows exactly what I'm thinking, she probably does.

" So Maila, I want you to come to the 'Back to School Party' at my house, it's on Friday." she said this with such an intelligent tone. I told you she was different, I don't even know how she knows my name. I know I shouldn't go to the party but the way Lydia says it makes the idea so appealing. Something in my gut tells me she's not playing a trick on me.

Before I can finish deciding I hear myself say 'sure' and Lydia smiles and walks away, she has a way of making you subconsciously like her. I figured she won't even remember that she invited me by the end of the week. It can't be that bad, Lydia Martin is notorious for throwing the best party's.

I decide to go to the School's library for study hall. It's a pretty nice library with a huge downstairs area and and upper level with rows upon rows of books. I take a seat at an empty table near the corner of the library pretty far away from the entrance. I start listening to my music and get to work on reading the beginning of Frankenstein. I have plenty of other homework in my other classes but I've waited since 1st period to dive back into the world of the monster.

About 50 minutes later I've finished the assigned reading homework and have taken notes so I decide to spend my last ten minutes of study hall finding a book to read on my own time. I take out my ear plugs and go to the section of the library with all of the classic novels. I start going down the row trying to find one that I haven't read yet and is on my TBR list. I come across a thick, green book and that's when I hear the muffled whispering that I can barely make out from the row next to the one I'm in. Being the curious person I am I slowly remove the green book from the shelf and I see the two brothers from earlier this morning talking to each other.

"Ethan, you can't let them get to you," one of them said to the boy I assume is Ethan. They other guys had a sad, anxious look on his face as he talked to Ethan. Ethan's head was down and his shoulders were hunched over.

"I know Grayson but there's so many of them," Ethan looks up and I let out a gasp, he has a huge bruise on his cheek bone that's black and blue with a small gash in the middle of the bruise. I immediately wish I didn't let out that gasp because thy both turn my direction and see me staring right at them, eavesdropping. My eyes widen with shock and my cheeks turns red with embarrassment that I've been caught. I quickly turn away and speed walk back to my table and hunch my back to cover my face just in case the brothers happen to come my way. I take a few deep breathes and clam myself down and look down to see what book I grabbed. Guess I'm reading Little Women because there is no way I'm walking back over there. I pack up my things and hurriedly walk out of the library,going to my last class of the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2017 ⏰

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