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"Come on, Ven; just give me the dang [fave flavor] ice cream!"

"Mm... nope!" he laughed, raising the cone even higher when you tried to reach for it. Annoyed, you let out a loud grunt before trying to reach for it again. He stand on his tiptoe, making the delicious dessert out of your reach.

"C'mon," you groaned in exasperation as you pulled away from him (your chests were almost touching because of your close proximity), "What do you want from me?"

"What do I want from my sweet, pretty, little girlfriend~?" Ventus singsongs, grinning evilly. You gulped nervously. "Well, just say those three words I want to hear and this delish ice cream is yours!"


You took a deep breath.... then made the most seductive expression you could do. Ventus blinked, then chuckled nervously, subconsciously lowering the ice cream cone to chest level. "(Y/n), why are you looking at me like tha–"

"Fuck me, daddy."


Ventus is scarred.

Aqua's loud gasp could be heard from behind Ven.

A choking sound that certainly sounded like Terra reverberated behind you.

Master Eraqus' dying noises echoed from your left.

Master Xehanort muttered “X-blade” from outside the castle.

And Vanitas...

Vanitas is there.





I promise to make serious fanfics after this. Lol this is just for laughs put and end to me and my disgusting sense of humor omg-

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