gncd as brothers (older)

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Fluff version

Daeyeol: the type to smile a lot whenever you spend time with him

Y: the type to get all shy when you hug him tightly

Jaeseok: the type to bring you lunch and brings you to somewhere fun all the time

Jangjun: the type who shows you off to his friends

Tag: the type to try to like everything you love and can get hyper together

Seungmin: the type to let you sit on his lap all the time

Jaehyun: the type who smiles at everything you do

Jibeom: the type to help carry your bag when walking together

Donghyun: the type to take a lot of cute selfies with you

Joochan: the type to bring you tons of gifts

Bomin: the type to act like he's younger than you

Reality/funny version

Daeyeol: the type to whine at you to look at him

Y: the type to leave you alone 24/7

Jaeseok: the type to nag at you and ask for respect

Jangjun: the type to get weird stares from the public by doing something embarrassing when you two are together

Tag: the type to have communication problems with you

Seungmin: the type to yell at you for being stronger/taller

Jaehyun: the type to not hear what you say all the time

Jibeom: the type to accidentally leave you in the streets

Donghyun: the type to challenge you all the time

Joochan: the type to take ugly pictures of you when you're asleep

Bomin: the type to piss you off by being childish

Who in golden child do you want as an older brother? I want Y as my brother :D

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