gncd as classmates

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Only funny version because Y not


-the chairperson that no one listens to

-always the first one to be picked no matter what it is

-carries at least 3 bags to school every day

-people steals his food


-the athletics team leader

-uses his ipad in class

-tragic handwriting

-always mysteriously disappears once school ends


-the flirt at school

-roasts the teacher

-rich af

-once an emcee, always an emcee


-the annoying kid in class

-comments on everything the teacher says

-actually has good grades

-horrible drawing


-the social butterfly

-weird af

-asks dumb questions in class

-goes out with friends 24/7


-the small kid

-everyone pats his head all the time

-would beat someone up with he gets angry

-teachers love him


-the quiet one in class

-always spacing out


-never gets picked to answer questions


-the "normal" one

-rarely goes to school

-even he if does he just sits there quietly

-the last few ranks


-the actual normal one

-rarely hangs out with girls

-pe class is his biggest enemy and enjoyment at the same time

-sits at the back of class



-the one best at arts

-dated almost every pretty girl

-almost everyone takes pictures of him


-the one who's friends with everyone

-even teachers love him

-actually hates school

-goes out with his friends almost every week

Do you have classmates similar to the ones above? xD

Because if I really imply them into real life, I'm seat mates with Y xD

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