Chapter Five

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Wren & Oysters

Chapter Five

The early morning light filtered through the slats of the plantation shutters in nearly tangible gold ribbons playing across the bodies lying prone on the plush queen bed. Their skin standing in a stark contrast to the white bedding in shades of warm honey and creamed coffee respectively. She lay on her stomach and he on his side, the sheet pooling low baring his masculine cut chest and the supple curve of her spine ending in two dimples before the round of her bottom. Rough fingertips skimmed her skin leaving tiny goosebumps in its wake, slowly, ever so slowly, moving to her side where he knew she was most sensitive before swirling his fingers just so delicately. He was rewarded with her infectious giggles and her body tipping over to showcase her front, his loving dark eyes soaking it all in. As she turned his fingers never left her skin sliding slowly around to stop on her tummy just below her little innie naval. He moved a finger up and only after trailing it round and round did he dip it in. She smiled a private smile only lovers knew up at him, his name a whisper on her lips before he captured it with his own. Her eyes were still shut when he pulled away. As they began to flutter before opening he ducked down to whisper in her ear, lips just barely brushing.

"Not yet Rhydian, Don't open your eyes yet, let me have just a little bit more with you."

"You have me always Vincent, I'm yours forever, I'm your wife."

"Forever has a way of getting away from us Rhyd baby."

With those words she opened her eyes to reassure him, but when her eyes opened she sat up with a gasp. She was not in a queen size bed nor a pale blue room with shuttered windows, and there certainly was no dark eyed husband lying skin to skin beside her. There was only Wren, alone save her guardians who slumbered on in a tangle at the foot of her too large and too fluffy king size bed. Attempting to push her hands through damp matted curls she stepped from the bed, bare feet slapping on wood floors as she nearly sprinted to the shower. Stepping in with her nightgown and panties still on she turned the water all the way up to hot on full blast and just stood under the jets. Her clothes plastered to her body, becoming sheer as she tuned her face up at the water hoping it would wash the images from her dream away. Dream, nightmare, she wasn't sure which to call it. It had been pleasant and she'd been sure it was a memory as they'd had many lazy mornings in bed that way. But then he'd spoken, she knew he'd ever said anything like that to her before. It was as if he'd known all along that their forever had an expiration date. She wished that someone would've told her, that she could have known too.


Tom had already been on his morning run, keeping the island in the distance within his view for as much of it as he could, and had even driven into the next city over, Cape Charles, where he'd had a nice early lunch at a little outdoor café and was able to go unrecognized with the cap on his head. He'd gone there to pick up flowers and a nice bottle of wine for Wren as a thank you for hosting and gracing him with her presence. Well, he'd picked up two bottles of wine as he didn't know if she preferred white or red and he'd gone to Cape Charles specifically because of the florist he'd found online, he had been very particular over the flowers he wanted to present her with. Glancing over at them where they'd been placed stems down into a large bowl since he could find no vase in his rentals kitchen, he hoped she knew the meaning of them. The large bouquet was all ranunculus in varying shades of pink and white. The flowers meaning was radiant, exactly the way he found her to be. The florist had wrapped them in shiny green banana leaves making their simplistic beauty stand out even more.

Running his hands through his hair he glanced at the clock again after pulling his eyes from the flowers. Having still more than three hours before he could consider it appropriate to head to dinner and with far to much pent up excitement that in turn translated into energy, he decided to attempt a swim. The water would surely still be quite cool but it was over 80 degrees out and that was considered plenty warm enough to swim in England, and he'd seen surfers out bobbing on their boards while he'd been having his morning run, so he knew it wouldn't be considered strange. Mind made up he stood to change, hoping this activity would finally make the time pass faster.

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