Chapter Eight

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Wren & Oysters

Chapter Eight

    "God Dammit!" John-Michael let out with a near roar as he attempted to fist his short nearly white hair in his clenched fingers. He turned swiftly on his heal and his meaty left fist left his head only to throw itself into the brick pillar of the house behind him. Josephine let out a strangled sob as her hand went to her mouth and her mother, Cora, wrapped her arms around her. Joseph, never a man of many words, stood next to his wife and daughter with his mouth in a very tight line and placed a hand on each of them in silent comfort. Anna-Sophia had Carlisle's hand clasped tightly in her own as she stared out towards where Wren had disappeared. Benedict held Micah in his arms as Ronnie stood beside him leaning heavily on his arm. Tom had never wanted to throttle someone more in his life. He was absolutely furious at Mr. Rinaldi for his careless treatment of the woman he thought should be held in the mans highest regard. She certainly was held in Tom's highest regard even after such a short period of time.

    "Johnathan-Michael you are a damned fool and I could care less how old you are as I have half a mind to turn you over my knee. What Were you thinking?!"  Anna-Sophia trilled at her son. She had stepped towards him, Carlisle trailing behind her as her grip had yet to loosen on him.

    "I wasn't-" His mother immediately cut him off, going so far as stomping her stiletto clad foot in her irritation and anger.

    "You are damn right you weren't thinking!" She paused and turned to Tom, fiery eyes softening just slightly. "I am so sorry for you having to hear me cursing as it is beyond impolite for a southern woman with any good breeding to do so, but, I am even more sorry that you had to witness my sons stupidity and this entire fiasco! I sincerely hope that you won't hold this against Rhydian even if you do hold it against us as we deserve no more than that." She then whipped back around to John-Michael, eyes aflame once more. "How dare you do this to her! I know you knew just how important this dinner was! She could be moving on! Finally Johnathan! Isn't this what we've all hoped for, for the last three years. We've had to see her go through so much. You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to take the first true piece of happiness, true happiness and finally a chance of moving on, from her! I am ashamed myself for you, and hurt for her."

    Shaking her head Anna-Sophia walked inside taking her husband with her. Everyone slowly followed in behind her one at a time. Tom was so confused, why weren't they going after her. Why was no one looking to see if she was okay? He grabbed Ronnie's arm before she could make her way inside the dining room, the scene of the crime, where everyone had headed back to clean up the forgotten meal that had barely been touched. She glanced up at him with curious eyes that held a slight wince at how firm his grip was on her bicep. He gave a sincerely apologetic look and relaxed his grasp before letting go completely.

    "Veronica, why is no one going after her? Surely she should not be left alone in such a state!" Tom's eyes held worry for her and slight irritation at the others.

    "As soon as the dining room is cleared we'll all head out to find her. She's probably locked up in her studio again though. Trust me this is not the first time an evening has ended with Wren's flying the nest." Ronnie wiped roughly at her eyes and palmed her face before answering and tried to smile as she made a small joke in regards to Wren's name but it fell flat and Tom did not smile back.

    "Well, let's join the others and clear the dining room quickly then shall we?" He held his arm out and let her enter in front of him.


    Only a half-hearted argument came from Anna-Sophia at allowing Tom, the guest, to help in the rushed removal of dinnerware from the dining room. After the food was stored, the kitchen was left a colossal mess as everyone headed out to look for Wren.

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