Hating Them

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"Emma!" Andrew whined, pulling me out of my thoughts of Black Veil Brides. "What, honey?" I replied indulgently. "It's almost time for the concert! Mommy said you promised to take me!" I sighed. Yes, I had agreed to take my eight year old brother to a One Direction concert. Why, I have no idea. I can't stand their pompous asses. Well, just Harry, really. The others seem pretty funny and down to earth. I collected my essentials, such as my phone, my iPod, my keys, and my headphones. "Alright, love, let's go." "Yay!" Andrew cheered. I love the boy, I really do. He just gets on my nerves sometimes because of his obsession with One Direction. We hopped into my 2005 Ford Explorer, which I was very proud of. It was red, and in perfect condition. "Can we put on some music, please?" Andrew begged me, knowing that I'm a sucker for his puppy dog eyes. "Fine," I sighed, " but I get to choose the music!" "Aww!" he pouted. I reached over and ruffled his hair with one hand, putting the car into reverse with the other. "So, where is the venue anyways?" I asked, focusing on choosing a song now. "Um, I think the Verizon Center." I smacked my head on the steering wheel out of frustration. Of course the stupid concert had to be at the Verizon Center! It was practically the only venue we had in small town Montgomery County. It was bound to be so flipping crowded today, because we have sooooo many One Direction fan girls in Maryland. I pulled into the parking lot. Surprisingly, there were lots of spaces available, making parking a snap! I walked over to Andrew's side of the car and helped him out, then I walked him over to the security guard. "Hi, we're here for the One Direction concert tonight?" I asked, and he nodded. "Tickets?" he grunted at us. I looked at Andrew. He pulled the tickets out of one of his many pockets, not surprising at all. We walked inside, early for once. I helped him find the seats, then told him I was going outside for a smoke, or "smoke cigaretting", as Andrew calls them. He made a face, but didn't complain. The whole family's used to my weird ways by now, including my delinquent older brother. He's where I picked up my bad habit of smoking. He does it constantly, and soon I began to crave the smoke as well. I walked out in the back of the venue, and lit up. "Ahhh." A long sigh escaped my lips, along with a cloud of smoke. Finishing my cigarette, I wasn't fully ready to go back into the venue yet, so I plugged in my headphones and tapped one of my favorite songs, "Fight Like A Girl" by Emilie Autumn. That woman is such a kick ass warrior, I swear. I began singing as soon as the ticking of the Asylum clock had stopped, belting out the first lyrics.

"My heart is a weapon of war. My voice is my weapon of choice. An eye for an eye, a heart for a heart, a soul for a soul. We fight for the dream, we fight to the death, we FIGHT for control! There is no such thing as justice, for the best that we can hope for is revenge. A hostile takeover, an absolute rebellion to the end. This is our battle cry, (whoa oh oh), I'm giving you a head start, you're going to need it cause I fight like a girl!"

I finished the song and took out my headphones, just to hear applauding coming from behind me. I froze, then slowly turned around, not knowing what to expect. Instead of the serial killer I had envisioned, there was instead a boy with bright blue eyes and very messy hair.

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