Exes and Awkwardness

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(Emma POV)

I walked out of the venue, holding tightly to Andrew's hand. He tugged on me and turned me around. "Emma, look! It's Niall!" I spun around, and it was indeed Niall waving at me. I waved back, and he made the "call me" motion. I rolled my eyes and held up my hands in the "Maybe?" position. He laughed and I flipped him off. All this was done while walking backwards, so it wasn't really a surprise that I bumped into somebody with my clumsiness. "Oh my lord, I'm so- wait, Jason??"

(Jason POV) ( yep I'm adding a new character from my real life. He's my ex)

Whoa. I couldn't believe my eyes. "Emma?" I whispered, hardly daring to speak. Her eyes hardened. "Yeah. Funny how I bump into you here." She motioned to the big banner screaming "One Direction Here Tonight!!" I nodded awkwardly. "So, uh, how're you doing?" I asked. She turned to Andrew. "Honey, can you go find Niall for me? Stay with him for five minutes and then come find me." He nodded and skipped off, and I felt a pang of jealousy in my heart.

"Niall? He your new boyfriend?" I asked. She laughed. "No, I actually just met him today. So, what d'ya say we sit down and chat a bit? Haven't seen you in, let's see. About three years now." I nodded. "See you've changed quite a bit too." I gestured to her tattoos and her bright red hair. "Yeah, when I got into high school, we'd just broken up a couple months earlier."

She was interrupted by her phone blaring Only the Good Die Young, by Billy Joel. It was her favorite song when we were together, and I guessed it was still her favorite. She looked at her phone in confusion, before rolling her eyes and picking it up.

"Hey Niall. Did Andrew find you? Yeah, I ran into an ex of mine. No, not Haley. No, I didn't tell you about him. We're in my car, can you bring Andrew and the boys? Thanks. Bye!" She hung up and turned back to me.

"Sorry about that, Niall wanted to make sure Andrew was okay." I nodded."It's cool." I replied. "You know, I never did find out why you dumped me." She said, gazing steadily at me. I gulped. "Well, you see-"

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