The Beginning of the End (Edited)

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I think that Logan must've forgotten where we were for a brief moment because he groaned awful loudly before rising to a sitting position. His right hand patted the back of his head. He paused to gaze at his hand, from my position I could see the blood there.

His eyes found mine, widening as he saw my state. He tried to rush over to me and was stopped by the sound of Rupert's voice. "Ah ah ah," he taunted him.

Logan paused standing up to his feet. I tried to follow him, but the pain and my position prevented me from watching them at all. I could only lie and hear while I awaited my fate. It seems the grim reaper was taking his sweet time. I didn't want to rush him, not if I could be helped. Logan could defeat Rupert. I had faith in his abilities.

"Rupert," Logan stated. I watched his feet stay straight, shoulder length apart. "What have you done? You stabbed your own daughter. What kind of sick bastard are you?"

"Poor Bella, she was nothing except a means to an end."

"And my son, why do you still have my child? You kidnapped him."

Rupert chuckled. "From a father to a father, I want to start over. I made many mistakes. This child is a new beginning for me."

"Over my dead body," Logan snapped at him. "You are not taking my son again." Logan's left foot stepped forward.

"I didn't know Hollywood actors carried guns." So, Logan had pulled out his weapon. He prepared to shoot Rupert if he tried to leave with our son. My heart warmed with the thought that Rupert wasn't going to get away with any of this. He tried to sound like the weapon didn't phase him when I could hear the syllables shake as he spoke.

"I"m one of kind," Logan replied.

"As am I," Rupert's voice hardened.

Logan's feet disappeared out of view as he stepped forward in a hurry. "What are you doing? Stop that, stop right now."

"This is what you get for threatening a man holding your son."

I panicked. Rupert was hurting Logan Jr. Logan, shoot. Logan, shoot. And as if he heard me or he realized that Logan Junior could be injured, he shot.

The sound of a gun on TV is so much different than the sound of a gun going off in the same room. The sound is long, loud, and penetrates every pore in the body. Afterward, someone slumped to the ground, the vibration causing me to shake.

A scream from my son has my eyes fighting to search for him until Logan appears with our son in his arms. When I gaze at the two of them, I have to wonder if this is fate. Was I born to bear Logan's children only to die before I truly saw them grow? Is this the life I was meant to lead? Some people are born on this earth and given a terrible hand at life while others are born and given everything their heart desires. In the end, we are all drivers. Destiny is our GPS, offering the directions to our destination while keeping the journey a mystery. We may know the way to our destination, but even though we know all the routes it does not mean we'll live a happily ever after.

I was so worried about my current life. I agonized over being a good mother, too concerned with my growing feelings for their father that I neglected to see my time was running short.

Logan grabbed my attention. "The police are on their way. Hold on."

Tears dripped from my eyes. I knew that I wouldn't make it. "Take care of our children," I told Logan. My energy to talk seemed to be fading.

He shook his head. "No, you can fight this."

"I'm tired."

"I know," he replied. "But you have to fight. The ambulance is on the way." I tried to do as he said, but my eyes were too heavy. I wanted to sleep everything in me wanted to sleep. "If not for yourself, do it for our children, fight for us."

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