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You were coming back home by tomorrow.


I've been waiting for what seemed like forever.

I hear my phone ring with the ringtone that would always get me thinking that it was you, but I always figured wrong.

I glanced over at my phone to check who was the caller, as I picked it up.

It was your mom.

"Good afternoon—"
"Jimin..." She sobbed.

"Yes Mrs. L/N?" Her sobs had caught me off guard, my eyebrows furrowing from worry.

"It's..." She paused, another sob interuppting her sentence.

I felt my heartbeat in my throat, dying to know what was she about to tell me that was so urgent.

"Y/N." She finished in a small voice.

"What about her? Is she okay? Is she—"

"She got hospitalized. I'll text you the address." Her tone had changed, as if she dreaded to talk about it.

Upon hearing her words, my heart broke into a million pieces.


Just a week ago, I was holding you in my arms, and you were perfectly fine.

What had happened?

"Jimin?" Your mother called out.

"Yes?" My voice cracked as I spoke, my throat ached, I felt the urge to scream all of my frustrations upon hearing such news.

"Please come quick. She needs you."

I nodded, even though she couldn't see me.

I rushed to my car, tears blurring my vision.

I had to hurry up.

I sped to the hospital in an inhumane speed, not caring about the consequences.

I'll be there.

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