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I had read your letter over and over, until the sun had rose.

It had been a day since your passing.

"I love you Y/N."

"Forever and always."

You were the one I had my first kiss with.

First date.

First dance.

First everything.

And first love.

I remember exactly how we met.


"Hoseok..." I whined. "Just a little more, the girls are almost here." Hoseok reassured, his eyes focused on his phone.

We were in the mall, waiting for Hoseok"s girlfriend and well, Hoseok's girlfriend's friend.

"We're here!" A girl almost as tall as me ran to Hoseok with open arms. I let them be lovey-dovey until I spotted a girl trailing behind her, occupied with her phone. "Cute." Fuck, I don't even know her name yet.

"Jimin!" Hoseok called out, snapping me back to reality, "Hm?"

"Let me introduce you to my girlfriend, Hoyeon." Hoseok smiled at me. "And my friend is somewhere here— Y/N!" Hoyeon gestured for Y/N to come over. "Y/N, this is Jimin, Jimin this is Y/N." Hoyeon had done the introductions for us.

"Hey!" She smiled. "Hey." I smiled back. God, she was cute. "Okay, now that that's done, let's get something to eat!" Hoseok claps, entering the café we were waiting in front of.

We were done eating, and it was time to leave, "Bye guys!" Hoyeon and Y/N bid us goodbye. "Bye!" We waved. Me and Hoseok were about to leave when I spotted a phone, Y/N's phone. A peek wouldn't hurt right?

I swipe open the phone, only to see a chat with Hoyeon. Is that my name I see?

my untolerable bestie 😚
Y/NN!! you have to go!

i don't know..

my untolerable bestie 😚
another fine ass man will be joining him, but don't tell seok i said that <3

you had me at fine ass man, send pic rn

my untolerable bestie 😚

my untolerable bestie 😚

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