Runaway [sequel to An Outsider (A Ponyboy Curtis Fanfic)]

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This is the sequel to An Outsider (A Ponyboy Curtis Fanfic). If you have not read it you will find this very confusing, so I suggest you read it. This is starting right after she gets off the train.


****Jasmine's POV****

I got off the train about ten minutes ago. I have been walking around for awhile. I haven't eaten either. I packed a canteen of water but I didn't pack food.

I find a little convenient on a dirt road. I walk the seven minute trek down the road. I walk inside and the boy who is working behind the counter looked up at me from a magazine. He looked around 16.

"Can I help you?" He asked. His voice sounded gravelly. 

I walk up to the counter to see him better, I forgot my glasses back in Tulsa.

"Yes do you know a Rosa Molina? She's my aunt and I just came down from Tulsa to see her," I say. He looks up at me.

"Yeah I know Rosa. She lives about 3 miles down the road," he says. I groan thinking about the walk there. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you by your lonesome?"

"Because nobody knows that I'm gone," I say with a laugh. He looks at me like I'm crazy for laughing.  I pull out a dollar. "what can I buy for a dollar?"

"A sandwich and soda," he says. "Hey I can drive you to Rosa's. I'm already going there."

Now its my turn to look at him crazy. Why would he be going to aunt Rosa's? I decide to trust this boy. "Sure. What time do you get off?"

"About an hour," he said with a shrug. "Hey, I didn't catch your name. Mind telling me?"

I think about it for a second. Should I tell my name? Well if he knows Rosa then he will know me. Might as well. "My name is Jasmine,  Jasmine Winston."

"Well, Jasmine, Jasmine Winston.  I'm Josh,  Josh Molina," he puts out his hand for me to shake. I shake his hand twice.

Wait. Molina? Is he related to me? How is he related to me. I unwrap my sandwich and take a small bite.

I jump up on the counter in front of him.

"Hey! I'm running a business here," he yells in mock anger. I laugh in his face. I gesture to the completely empty store.

"What business? This place is dead." I say. "Why don't we just leave now?"

"I don't know," he says shrugging. "You wanna?"

"Yes," I say hopping off the counter. I throw the sandwich wrapper in the trash bin. He takes off the stupid apron he was wearing.

"Great lets go."

We leave and he locks up the store.

He drives a blue T-Bird kid of like Buck Merril. We started to drive and we ended up playing some kind of 20 Questions game.

"Why are you suddenly visiting after all this time?" he asks. he doesn't take his eyes off the road. "By the way before you ask, I'm Rosa's son, I'm seventeen. Just moved in about a year ago."

So I have a cousin? I thought to myself. Why have I never known this?

"Well I just left. I needed to leave, so I did. I just came to visit

He stops the car and turns to look at me. He gives me a face I can't read. I give him a look saying 'Why the hell did you stop the car?'.

"What do you mean you 'just left'," he says putting air quotes and doing to worst impression of me ever. "Your like sixteen. Why would you just pick up and leave your family?"

"Okay first, I'm fifteen. Second I don't have family, I have no good lousy brother, and a boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend, whatever. And last, something happened and I need a place to stay. To get away from town," I rant on, "And don't rat on me to aunt Rosa. She'll call up my brother and he'll come and get me."

"Fine, I won't rat... But you are going to tell me what was so bad you had to leave," He says turning the car back on. I groan loudly. "Hey, it's not my fault you got in some kind of trouble."

He pulls back on the road and we drive the rest of the way in silence.


Hey guys I know this is about 3 days late. But my mom took away my phone and grounded me from the computer. What do you think? I like it... for now.

I think next chapter I will do a Ponyboy POV just to let you guys see his reaction to her leaving.

I love all you Llamas for reading. I probably won't have a new chapter till like Saturday.


Runaway [sequel to An Outsider (A Ponyboy Curtis Fanfic)]Where stories live. Discover now