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I stand outside Matt's apartment door. Should I knock? I know it's been three weeks since I talked to him and Edd, what if they're angry at me? Well, I'm here, so I might as well. Three knocks, quiet enough to not disturb the neighbors but loud enough to hear. The seconds tick by as the pitter patter of bare feet sounds behind the wood. The door slowly opens, and behind it stands a confused ginger, and then a shift as his expression turns to joy and he engulfs me a a warm hug. His arms are thick and strong and he's squeezing hard enough my breaths become stressed.

"Tom! I've missed you so much!"

"Uh, h-hey Matt. Can you-?"

I look down at his arms as I stutter.

"Huh? Oh! Sorry, it's just been too long is all."

Carefully he releases me and my feet are flat on the ground once more.

"Can I come in?"

"Of course! You want anything? Coffee, tea, I made muffins earlier even though it's not breakfast anymore."

"I'll have some coffee, thanks."

I smile warmly at him as he rushes to the kitchen. Well, it's seems like he's changed a little in the last few weeks. In the letter, Edd said he'd broken some mirrors but in the last week he must've broken more because there are none to be found in his apartment. Usually, the walls would be covered in them. Has my being gone really impacted them that much? It always felt like I was the least noticed or cared for out of the group, but maybe I was wrong. My stomach rumbles ferociously.

"Hey Matt?"

"Yeah Tom?"

"Could you grab me a muffin too please? I haven't eaten today."

"Of course!"

Another few minutes pass by and Matt walks into the living room carefully balancing the full cup of steaming coffee and a blueberry muffin. He sets both in front of me and then whips out his phone to type something before sitting across from me on the chair across the table. We're sitting at a small, white table with three chairs around, set right near a corner window overlooking the city. On the other side of the room, there is a large couch. Next to the table are two bookshelves, one on each side of the window, filled with books, magazines, and souvenirs from different destinations. Now that there are no mirrors hung up, there are paintings and photos covering the purple walls. The way he has decorated is actually very nice and comfortable.

"I love how you've decorated the place Matt."

"Oh, thank you! I spent a lot of time on it, I'm glad you like it."

I take a hearty bite out of the muffin, it's sweet and moist, one of the best I've ever tasted. I moan softly in delight at the wonderful explosion of flavor.

"You like the muffin? I made them from scratch."

"Hell yes! This is amazing Matt! I didn't know you can bake!"

"Yeah, well, neither did I. Anyway, it's been a while."

He smiles at me, waiting for me to finish chewing and talk about myself. I'm sure he wants to know why I cut myself off for three weeks. Before I can speak, the front slams open and in walks Edd. He takes one looks at me and then runs over to embrace me tightly. For the second time today, my feet are no longer on the floor. See, Matt and Edd are both substantially taller than I am, so when they hug me, they tend to pick me up. After what seems like forever, though I'm not complaining as Edd's hug are always the best, he sets me back down. Then, he brings himself to the chair between me and Matt and seats himself as well.

"It's been so long Tom, we've been so worried."

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