2: Sounds Pretty Gay to Me

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The lunchroom was Mica's least favorite place in the entire school. He also hated the gym, but at least the gym was supervised by an adult with possible morals who might care a little bit when he was being used as a human basketball by the Seniors. He didn't want to sit with anyone he (kinda)knew, because they were all assholes, and he couldn't sit with his sister even if he wanted to, because she had lunch 5th period and he had it 4th. He usually sat on the floor and ate a granola bar because school food was prison food disguised behind the innocent faces of the well meaning lunch ladies.

He sat in his usual spot by the wall and took a granola bar out of his bag, unwrapping it and going in for a bite of the peanut butter-chocolatey goodness when the bar was ripped out of his hand. He looked up to see Oli staring down at him with an evil smirk, as usual. He said, "What the hell is this?"

"It's a granola bar..." Mica said, a little confused, "You eat it..."

"Don't mind if I do!" Oli said cheerfully,like the bully he is and took a big bite of the bar.

"Hey!" Mica said, "That's all I have for lunch, asshole!"

"You want it back, fuckface?" Oli said with his mouth full, sticking out his tongue and showing the chewed up granola bar.

"How do you suggest I go about that? Should I kiss you?" Mica says teasingly, and stands up. Trying to make him uncomfortable, he takes a step towards Oli and says, "That sounds pretty gay to me..."

Oli pushed him away and exclaimed, "I am not gay! I'm not! Why does everyone think that?"

Then he stormed out of the cafeteria, not noticing through his rage that the entire room had fallen silent. Mica laughed a little, not really caring about the pain in his wrist from the impact of his fall. Nobody thought Oli was gay, not even Mica, well, not till now. He used to do the same thing when he was coming to terms with his own sexuality. He would get so defensive when the other kids called him gay and then one day he wondered if they were calling him gay for a reason other than them being homophobic assholes.

And now he's here. On the dirty floor of a highschool cafeteria. Beautiful. Coming out really did him some good. Well, he never officially came out to anyone but Jewels, but it wasn't really a secret. He was sure his mom knew, if she ever asked about it he wouldn't try and hide it, but most of the kids at school assumed the obvious.

He tried to think back to when he first noticed Oli's existence(he got butterflies in his tummy just thinking about him, but he would never admit it). Now that he thought about it in context to his new theory, there were a few times that Oli's sexuality could have been questioned by his peers.

Mica had began listing them in his head, but then the bell rang and it was time for Science. He rushed out of the room, trying to beat the crowd of people that would soon try to leave through the tiny door all at once like a bunch of fucking idiots. He made it to class first and sat down in his usual spot at the back of the room. He greeted his teacher and then put his head down, hoping to hide from everyone else. But of course, that's not how the world works. You can't hide from everyone just by putting your head down and pretending you don't exist.

When Oli entered the room he locked his snake eyes on Mica and quickly walked(they aren't allowed to run) over to him. He smacked him hard on the back of the head and Mica made a tiny squeak of fear or pain(he wasn't really sure) and buried his face deeper into his arms. He didn't know who was hitting him, but did it really matter? He figured they would have to stop eventually.

"Oliver Gates!" the teacher roared from his tiny desk at the front of the room,  "Find your frickin' seat!"

Oli's face paled and the class laughed at him, pointing their fingers like little kids in a bad movie. He went to sit where he usually did, but there was already someone sitting there. He looked around to find another chair, but the only one left was right next to Mica. He turned to the teacher, "Please don't make me sit next to him,"

"And why exactly not, Gates?" the teacher raised an eyebrow. Oli grumbled and sat down next to Mica, moving his chair as far from him as possible and then looking in the opposite direction. The teacher stared straight at Oli and said, "Oh, and class, the seats you are sitting in now will be your assigned seats for the rest of the year."

The class groaned and Mica shot his head up, his alarmed face looking to Oli, then to the teacher, then back to Oli. The two then resumed their previous activities, but much harder(Mica slammed his head down on the table and Oli potentially got whiplash as he looked in the opposite direction). This was not going to be a very good situation. Or maybe it would, seeing as Mica could sneak glances at Oli when he wasn't paying attention, and Oli could do the same(only he wouldn't cause real men don't look at other guys the way he wanted to look at Mica).

As class continued on, neither of the boys were really paying attention. The teacher was saying something about how protons were the same as the atomic something when suddenly he remembered something and shouted out an enthusiastic, "Oh!" The room fell quiet, as he had yelled into his mic and just about shattered everyone's ear drums in the process. He said, "I failed to mention at the start of class that our next partner assignment starts today!"

A girl shouted out, "Can we pick our partners?" in her annoying, high pitched voice that sounded like something straight out of Mean Girls(that was Mica's favorite movie).

"No." the teacher answered that question the same way every time he was asked it, when would these kids learn? He said, "I will now read off your partners: Piper and Jenna, Tommy and Patricia, Don and Richard..."

As he read the names off there were cheers of joy when friends were paired together, and then there were moans and groans when sworn enemies were forced together. But no moans or groans of the other kids were comparable to the moans and groans that came out of the mouths of the boys at the desk in the back corner of the room when they found out they were partners.

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