Fem! Gold x Fem! Silver

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It was a nice and peaceful morning where the pidgey are chirping out on the window sides. Gold woke up to see a familiar female beside her.. Silver  trying to find warmth into Gold cool skin. Silver flutter her eyes open.

"Morning hun, sleep well?" Gold said nuzzle the crook of Silver neck. Silver yawn in response and move up only to lay on top of Gold chest, listening to her slow and steady heartbeat. Gold rub her hand down on Silver back in a soothing manner. Then Gold had the idea to pin Silver down and kiss her neck.

"H- hey! T- that tickles stop!" Silver was giggling nonstop as she tries to bat Gold away from her neck. Effort proved to be futile. Then a wet tongue lapped on Silver collar bones, Gold smirk as Silver moan softly from the little amount of pleasure she was picking up. Gold then stop licking and look at Silver face... panting and and half lidded eyes staring back. Gold then started to kiss her neck again and, this time those kisses were traveling down to Silver stomach.

"Someone is in a good mood today.." Silver said in a gentle tone.. she was content.

"Well yeah and so are you" Gold chuckles and continue to travel down Silver body.

Gold then made it between Silver thighs leaving a mark making Silver squirm in pleasure. Silver looks at Gold and nod for approval waiting for a passionate make out session. Gold started to take off silver pajamas shorts only for Gold to go wide eyed and Silver looks away embarrassed...

"You're wearing a thong?" Gold smile at the sight. It was cute and it also turn her on. Gold slipped off Silver and look good at Silver womanhood. It was a bit wet and delicious.

"Please don't stare... it's embarrassing.." Silver looked at Gold. Silver was already red like a tomato berry. Then something spreading her insides. It was slow... and nice. Silver adjusted to the slow intrusion of Gold fingers and moan pretty loudly... Gold then had an idea to use a strap on, but maybe it was too much since it was early in the morning.

"Hey, Silver?" Gold take out her fingers out making Silver whimper from the loss..

"Y-yeah?" Silver looked at Gold confused and wondered why she stopped spreading her..

"Do.. you want me to use the strap on? O- only if you're up for it..." Gold finished the sentence kinda fast blushing deep red. Silver then got up and cup Golds face.

"As long as you're slow then I'm fine with it" Silver then kissed Gold lovingly, and lay back down to be lazily pound on. Gold then got up, went to the closet to grab a blue box that contain with toys. Took the strap on from the box and look at Silver seductively. Silver heard the bed creak and saw Gold eyes as she looks down on Silver in a hungry manner. Gold then put her waist between Silver legs and looks at the female squirming in anticipation..

"You ready?" Gold put her head on top of Silver and waited for an answer. After for a second Silver nodded and Gold started to push in holding Silvers hips in place as Gold went in slow. Silver keened and moan in pleasure as Gold kept going until she's all the way in.. Silver was breathing heavily as her eyes were clouded with lust. Gold took the strands of hair on her face and moved them aside to see more of her flushed red face. Gold then started to thrust slowly, seeing if Silver was very would be in any discomfort only to hear a lewd moan from silver pale and soft lips. Gold took this as a sign and kept going and set her thrust in a moderate pace. Silver was very out of it, eyes rolled back in pleasure and was drooling from the side of her mouth. Gold bent down to kiss Silver only for Silver to lick into Gold mouth and pull her into a heated and sloppy kiss, which of course, Gold was happy to kiss back with the same passion. Silver was panting and theirs tears of ecstasy. She was in absolute bliss. Gold was satisfied to give her her own pleasure. Gold always think that she takes all the pleasure despite all the reassurance from Silver..

"G- gold... holy fuck" Silver arm was on her eyes. She was shivering from the sensation of the strap rubbing her insides... she couldn't speak.. she didn't know what time it was.. it was just her and Gold fucking the morning away. Morning glory at its finest. Silver moaned loudly as Gold thrusted into magical spot, a spot that makes silver sees stars shining brighter than the sun itself. Gold kept hitting that spot multiple times loving the way Silver holding the sheets and her tongue sticking out like what you see in shitty anime hentai. Gold started to assault Silver neck making a nice necklace of hickeys and some down her chest and and stomach.

"How close are you Silver?" Gold thrust get fast as she tries to put Silver on edge. Silver nodded pathetically whimpering as she bucked her hips trying to find relief. Gold then got in rhythm and saw that Silver was arching her back from the overstimulation taking over, her legs quivering from the slow but powerful thrust being brought upon Silvers body. A gasp escaped Silver lips when she felt the fake dick brushing a sensitive spot deep inside her cunt.

Gold kept thrusting love the fact that she was using a strap on that goes both ways. The dick inside Gold was rubbing her inside intensely, hitting the g-spot that made Gold almost collapsed onto Silver.


Silver was now a blabbering mess pleading for more and more from Gold, and as always Gold was happy to oblige. After a while there was a scream of pleasure hitting from Silver as Gold hit the magical spot. Just hearing Silver like that made Gold loose her control and shivers went down her spine. The scent in the room was salty.. and they are fucking the morning away, Gold with her beloved.. a tiny keen snapped Gold back to reality and she looked down to see clear fluid coming out of Silver pussy.. and now a little moan came out of Gold when she came, a sigh of relief and exhaustion washed over  the both of them.

"You good?" Silver panted and nodded in response. Soon arms were being wrapped around Silvers body, Gold placing a kiss on Silvers sweaty forehead and laid on top of her chest hearing the thumping of her lovers heartbeat. Gold felt Silvers breathing slowly and then heard a little snore coming from her. Blankets were moved into both of them.. and now sleeping the morning away. Only to be soon waken up in the afternoon by their Pokémon jumping on their bed soon after

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