I'll see you again

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(God its been long... Writers block sorry....)

"And here we are again." Yuto says. He was sitting by his table playing a game of Persona 5 on his gaming console. Yuya had his head laying on table facing a window, he was silent.

"I can't just sit here."

"I know it isn't exactly easy and that's why we are sitting here."

"How is sitting here going to help?" Yuya asked.

"Like this." Yuto said, pressing the trinangle on his controller, with a mischievous look.

Ryuji: For real!? That's fucking awesome!

The door slowly opened with a Reiji with a extremely stoic face.

"Give me the game."

"Father I need your help with something."

"And, what would that be." Reiji questioned.

After a good 15 minutes of explaing Reiji stood quietly, with his fingers held to his chin, running everything over in his head.

"So, This is why you've been running all around the place. I suppose. I
Have no choice than to get the police. Yuto and Yuya you'll stay here." Yuto nodded, for a first surprisingly listening to his father, or so he thought. After the man left to deal with the new issue that was brought to his attention, Yuto and Yuya snuck away from out the room like a pair of thieves, leaving was easy of course since Kite wasn't there.

"You know we're on our own now?"  Yuto says. "I don't want anyone else in this so don't call anyone. This is your sister so I think you have a right to help her."

"Thank you, Yuto."

"No need. Now let's go."

With the good amount of street smarts Yuya had, they both got into a cab and was let off near a shop nearby the old house. Both of them carefully entered the yard, the house was old, dark and dusty. Everything else was quiet, as if no one was there.

"Why the fuck isn't the police here??" Yuto asked, his voice in a angered whisper.

"Must've been a good thing to take care of this on our own huh...?" Yuya says softly, sounding slightly sad.

I can't let that happen... No wait- no.... I can. But, why...why isn't..


I can't anymore... I can't...
You know you can...
I-I can't...

Yuto looked through a window, The room was pitch black but all the random mumbling was heard. No one could understand what he meant. The conversation seemed as if he was fighting with himself.

'The hell is that bastard talking about?' Yuto asks himself.

"Oh so you came..." Yuri said in a monotone voice, walking up from the shadows of a open door on the building. "Terrific."

"I knew you were up to something fishy!" Yuto yelled angrily at the purple haired boy. Yuya was shocked, he didn't expect that the guy he cared about was working with his worst enemy.

"Yuri, I can't believe you... So everything was a lie wasn't it? Just to draw me in."

"Venom Dragon attack Yuto directly!"

Yuto basically braced bravely for impact, knowing this would hurt or might even kill Him, But, he couldn't die, not when he had Yuya or not knowing Yuya's loved ones were in danger. As the dragon opened it's mouth to launch it's attack, Yuya stood in front of Yuto, ready to take all damage instead.

"What are you doing, Yuya!?"

"I won't let you do this!" Yuya screamed with tears in his eyes. "I'm sick and tired of this, all this hate all this pain, you don't have to do this Yuri, don't do what you know is wrong!"

"..." Yuri didn't say anything, the pain was clear in his eyes and yet he seemed so determine to protect Yusho, for all the wrong and right reasons. "I'm sorry, Yuya...I'm so sorry..." Yuri fell to his knees in tears, his cards from his deck scattering all about, but his duel disk still activated.

"That's all you're good for isn't it!?" Yuto yelled angrily, holding tightly to Yuya. "to be a stupid idiot who only fucks things up."

"Yuto, shut up!" Yuya cried, pushing away Yuto's hand then rushing over to Yuri. "Yuri..." Yuya ran over to him, his legs weak and afraid of what Yuri might call another attack to hurt him or Yuto. Yuya kneeled before the pathetic bawling Yuri on the ground.

"Yuri, I-It's okay..."

"It's not... Not after everything I've done." Yuri cried. "Aishiteru, Yuya..."  Yuri smiled at Yuya, a genuine kind smile before giving him a passion filled Kiss, He knew his life wasn't going to last thing long anyway. Suddenly, he pushed Yuya away, a small spark of light following with a loud bang and Yuri falling over with a gun would in his skull.

"You weak retarded bastard!" a strong voice yelled. "if you want something right do it yourself I guess." And there Yusho stood, pistol in hand that was once aimed at a healthy Yuri. Yuya blinked once or twice, his mind trying to take in what just happened before him.



A shocked, broken, tear filled Yuya cried out in misery. Yuri had just been shot in the head and was now bleed out in front of him. Yuya's first reflex was to use his jacket as a bandage, he held Yuri tightly and pressed the cloth to his head. Luckily, he was still breathing... barely.

"T-this is w-w-what happens when you fuck around me, Yuya!" Yusho said, his speech slurred. "Ugh... You sound just like your pig mother when I-"

Yusho suddenly clutched his throbbing head in pain, he panted then looked back up at Yuya with tears. Yusho now aimed the gun at Yuya, his lips curved into a wicked smile.

"Yuya run he's crazy!!" Zuzu screamed from inside the building, her screams seemed to be disturbing Yusho's mental state.

"Yuya we need to go!" Yuto yelled. "If we stay here we are as good as dead!"

"And so will Zuzu be if we don't do something!"

"Yuya don't go please...you're all I have left!!" Yusho cried. "Please...please.... run far away from me!! She failed...I didn't want to- I had to- I have no one anymore...!!"

"What...?" Yuto asked. "W-What the hell..."

Nearby if you listened hard enough, the sound of police sirens was in the distance.

"Yuya, I can't!" Yusho broke down into tears. "I can't anymore, just leave me alone!!!!"

"What the..."

Yusho held the gun to his head, the confusing sentences continued.

"G-goodbye, My son..."

"No, Don't-!


"...what the hell is even happening!?" Yuya cried, now having to be forced to deal with another shot to the head in front of his eyes. Yuto was even speechless himself, His eyes were glued to the direction of the sirens. Not long afterwards, The man and Kite rushed out of the car, loaded with guns. They froze at the sight before them, a dead man, one holding onto life and two other stunned ones.

"Master Yuto!?" Kite rushed to his master, who was just standing there while the others ran inside the house to retrieve whoever was inside. Someone went to Yuya's and Yuri's aid. The police man quickly held onto Yuya who was bawling his eyes out onto the dying Yuri.

"Yuri please, please, get up!"

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