Chapter 16

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Catrina stared inside the house and waited.
"I'll grab her a towel and some fresh clothes." Lydia said quickly as she ran upstairs and grabbed some clothes. She grabbed a pair of leggings and t-shirt. She grabbed a nice cotton towel and ran back downstairs. None of them had moved from their spots and Liam kept his eyes everywhere but Catrina. Lydia pushed Stiles out of the way as she wrapped the towel around Cat and lead her inside and to the bathroom to change. After a couple of minutes she reappeared with her hair wet and stringy but she still looked beautiful. She sat in the floor near Scott and everyone sat quietly.
"So uhh, you should probably explain what happened." Scott spoke lightly.
"I'm gonna tell all of you my entire story. It'll only make sense if I do trust me." Cat said as she placed her hands in her lap.
"Go ahead I'm all ears."
"Well I'm gonna go ahead and say I'm a werecat." She started.
"What's the difference?" Malia asked as she sipped on some coffee.
"Well I grow ears on the top of my head and a tail. Different abilities, and eye colors." She spoke clearly. Malia nodded for her to go on.
"My full name is Catrina Lynn Hayes, I didn't lie about that. I did move to Beacon Hills with my family because they wanted to. So my story starts when I was about 9 years old. I became violently ill and was in and out of lots of hospitals and I had some sort of fatal condition. The point was there was nothing anyone could do to help me, I was dying. My mother is an Enchantress so naturally she and my father assumed she could heal me. Clarification her entire family had some sort of supernatural ties. She started practicing to become an enchantress at about 10. My father has nothing he is completely normal, one day he will die and my mother will live on. She is almost immortal she can be killed but she won't die of natural causes."
"Like my parents." Kira stated as she began to comprehend.
"The kitsune and the human. Yeah like that. My mom hasn't be around as long as your mom though. Only about 100 years. She is very skilled so dad thought she could heal me. She couldn't though. There was nothing left to be done. I was going to die. It drove a wedge in between my parents because she couldn't heal me. My mom tried and tried eventually leaving me worse off from everything my body had been put through. I don't remember much from those times. My mom racked her brain trying anything and everything before she thought about her friends. My mom had a friend that was a werecat. In fact she was the alpha of a very large pack. My mom begged her to bite me. I was gonna die either way so they may as well try something that could possibly result in me living. Reluctantly she agreed. Her name was Annabelle by the way. She came to me in my lowest point and bit me and told my mom to not get her hopes up. Somehow though I took to the bite. Within weeks I was back on my feet's and the doctors called it a miracle. Annabelle came from a long line of werecat alphas in her family. She had multiple children, three sons and two daughters. Her eldest son was 20 and her eldest daughter was 18. Her other two sons were 12 and 15. Her other daughter was 7. I was the second youngest in the pack after her other daughter named Callie. Callie and I became best friends. We did everything together. Considering most of the people in the pack were older and males we only had each other. Annabelle had taken me under her wing and trained me from the young age. I was a fairly talented werecat. Or at least that's what she said. As we got older Callie was always more cautious while I was a free spirit I did a lot of dumb things and she was always there to ground me. She was very pretty, she had long brown hair and bright brown eyes. She had freckles dusted around her nose and cheeks. Her were eyes were so different from her regular ones." Catrina stopped.
"What color were they?" Lydia asked abruptly.
"Blue." Cat said softly as she stared off with a sad look.
"She had killed someone?" Scott quickly said. Cat shook her head quickly.
"We are the opposite of werewolves. Our omegas eyes are red, betas are blue, betas who have killed an innocent soul are brown and our Alphas are golden." She started as she ran her fingernails around the wooden coffee table.
"What color are your eyes?" Scott asked quickly.
"Blue." She said softly.
"May I see?" Scott asked as he placed a hand over hers on the table.  She shone her blue eyes at him. They were an ocean blue that glowed like Derek's. Her regular eyes weren't that different, they had the same tint to them.
"So you haven't killed anyone." Scott said relieved as he pulled his hand off hers. Cat took a deep breath.
"I didn't say that." Cat said sighing heavily as she stared off. Liam's head finally snapped at her. He stared at the side of her head and watched her trace the same symbol over and over again on the table.
"Who did you kill Cat?" Liam finally chimed in. Cat's eyes met his for a brief second. They were filled with grief on both ends. Both had a heart broken grief but hers went deeper.
"He definitely wasn't innocent. For a couple of years around when I was 14 we had been feuding with a nearby werewolf pack. They kept getting on our territory and we are very territorial. We attempted to talk to them but it just didn't work. One day we knew it was going to be a battle if Annabelle couldn't talk sense to their alpha. They took almost all the pack, I being the rebel of course told Callie we absolutely had to go. We would get out before the actual fight but I wanted to see. She agreed eventually and the day if we had snaked our way right to the front. It was a pretty open field with a creek flowing through the middle. It was our boundary. We watched from the side as they talked, mainly yelled. I wasn't paying attention. I should've been paying attention. She was a kid I should've been watching for her. While I was watching our Alpha someone grabbed Callie." She paused and took a deep breath. She looked lost in her own thoughts. "I didn't notice it until the man held Callie out in front of her mother. They threatened her. My eyes swelled with tears it was my fault. It was all my fault. He didn't even look remorseful he didn't even hesitate. When our alpha said no and asked for her child back he-he slit her throat. My mind went black I lost all purpose. I launched across the creek. Without even a second thought my claws sunk into his neck. His lifeless body feel beside Callie's. She was twelve years old. 12. She wasn't even halfway through life. I was so confused, I wasn't thinking. I didn't even notice as someone pulled me from the fight and sent me back home. I later learned he was their Alphas husband. She wasn't too pleased with his death. I'm sorry to say but we almost completely slaughtered that pack. I swore to myself a promise I still hold I will never kill anyone ever again. I promised I would always find their justice with absolutely no deaths. She was a kid." She broke down crying. Kira slid over and offered her support which Cat gladly took as she shed her tears about Callie.
"Something you definitely need to know about werecats are Alphas have 9 lives. Everyone else has 2. But that power has its limits. You can only come back if your throat isn't slit or stabbed through the heart. Everything else can be forgiven by our lives. So I have killed someone. I regret it but at the same time I don't. He deserved it and that might make me a monster but someone who would willingly murder a child deserves to die. I was alone for the rest of my time there. I trained harder, I attempted to over compensate for what I had done. Our Alpha lost a life in that fight. So she lost two lives, because I think some of her died in that fight. Not physically but mentally she lost something. I was never the same after that either. I closed myself off, I stopped talking, I didn't eat for a week almost losing my first life. I loved Callie, and it's my fault she's gone. He should've killed me that day. The next two years I became the most talented fighter in our pack even though I was the smallest and youngest. I could beat everyone in combat even our Alpha. I was resourceful and I had no set rules I followed like everyone else does. I don't do the same thing over and over. After two years you all reopened the beacon of Beacon Hills and my mother felt compelled to move here, so she got a transfer. We moved here from my home." She paused as she thought over her words carefully.
"Goremegon approached me before we left. He told me he had a job offer for me. We negotiated for two weeks and then we moved in over the long weekend. He promised me I wouldn't hurt anyone and he would pay me well for my efforts which he did. The first day I met everyone I didn't know about you all yet. He gave me your lists and profiles that weekend. I didn't think I would get close, I didn't think you all would matter to me. But damnit if I'm not surprised that I would fall for the cute werewolf with the goofy smile who I was supposed to be working against. As I read more about you I felt worse about what I was doing. I couldn't quit, i had signed a contract and he would've hurt my family if I hadn't completed my assignment. I decided the best thing for you all would be distracting you from his plans. Maybe if I kept you away he wouldn't hurt any of you and when he was done and left I could move on and pretend it never happened. I would have friends who mattered a lot to me and who actually liked me. I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry. I had done other contracted jobs like this so I just thought it would be exactly the same. When I met Liam it was an accident. Before he showed up I was pretty sure I was gonna have to kick those jerks asses. But he wanted to protect me out of the goodness of his heart. I kinda got a crush on him, he was so sweet. Scott you were so kind you just wanted to help everyone. All you girls were so nice to me. I never had someone be nice to me just because they wanted too. I didn't lie about any of that, not a single drop of how much I love you all did I lie about." Cat finished as she looked to everyone.
"I believe you." Scott said as he smiled at her.
"We just want you to answer a few questions, and then I didn't see why we can't out this behind us. We've all done some bad things we regret." Scott spoke kindly, his voice wavered but she just smiled back and nodded. She was really quite nice.
"The fire? Did you do that?" Scott asked.
"Yes. But I was given the go before I did it, no one was supposed to be in the science room and Goremegon told me there wasn't and I foolishly believed him. Then Liam got hurt and that night I marched to his hideout and I cursed him. I wanted to kill him for getting you hurt and almost killing an innocent. It drove me nuts I hated it." She said as she crushed her fist.
"What happened at the party? Why did you lie?" Liam said as he leaned forward.
"I didn't know, Goremegon lied to me. He said that he wanted me to keep you all busy at the party , so I set up what happened in the one room to distract you but he poisoned you. When I figured it out someone put their hand over my mouth. When they turned me around and I saw that it was him I yelled at him. He hit me over the head and everything else was real, everything else was all me just being confused. I have no idea what happened in between." Cat spoke truthfully as she only looked into Liam's eyes. She searched them for the happy ones that looked at her only a few hours earlier.
"What was he trying to do?" Derek asked gruffly. He knew everyone makes mistakes but that didn't mean he trusted her.
"I told him I didn't want to know and he never told me. I said specifically I didn't want to know because then if Ichose to live a normal life with Liam and you all I wouldn't want to lie about knowing he did something awful." She said.
"The body, the women I found. The first day you were here, did you do that?" Lydia asked. Tears sat in her eyes. Stiles's hand wrapped around hers.
"Goremegon gave me a special power, I can manipulate those of a weaker mind to do what I want. He killed her on his own freewill. He was some junkie got pissed and had a psychotic breakdown. I just made him move the body closer to the school, I thought you'd sense it there and no one would think too much about me." Cat responded. Lydia leaned her head into Stiles's side and took a deep breath in relief.
"How could I not smell you?" Derek asked as he stared into the girls eyes.
"I'm not dumb in fact I'm quite smart. I made a concoction that would mask my smell. My mother taught me a few things. I used a base smell-" Cat began.
"Vanilla." Liam interrupted.
"Yeah, it's strong. Then you mix it with a set of hormones and you can't smell me." Cat answered with a slight smile towards Liam.
"Anything else?" Scott asked as he looked at the girl who was pulling the towel around her shoulders. Her hair had dried very wavy and it was nearing two am. There was no objection so he didn't say anything else.
"Malia, Cat, Liam and Mason you will all stay down here tonight. Kira and I will be in the guest room, Lydia will be on the couch upstairs and Stiles will be in his room. Derek are you planning on staying?" Scott asked as he turned his head to the older wolf.
"No, I'm gonna go home. I have to make sure Deucalion doesn't kill our little friend before we get answers." Derek said standing up and walking out the door staring at Catrina the whole way. Scott and Kira distributed the blankets and pillows, Malia decided to sleep in the floor like a nest for her own happiness.

The two groups headed upstairs and separated. Lydia fell into bed with Stiles both completely worn out. As they snuggled together Stiles finally got to be the big spoon and it made him very happy. His arm laid across Lydia and she pushed her back to his chest.
"She's telling the truth right?" She asked. He kissed the back of her head.
"Lydia, we all make mistakes remember when Peter took control of you and you almost killed us all?" He laughed lightly. She kicked him lightly and laughed as well.
"Yeah you're right, it's just I really liked her. So did Liam, I don't know if he can get past this though." She whispered.
"You forgave me for..." He started before she cut him off. She rolled around and they were nose to nose.
"That wasn't you. No, the you that was there was with me dying." She said beginning to tear up.
"I know Lydia but-"
"No buts okay, it wasn't you." She spoke as she stared into his chocolate eyes that had some sort of golden streaks in them. He tried to smile at her but she buried her had in his chest and they just laid there. A wordless understanding between two people who loved each other deeply.

Kira and Scott laid together both stared at the ceiling. Neither daring to speak.
"She cares for us." Kira finally spoke as she rolled over to look at him.
"She does." Scott responded as he smiled at her.
"She didn't need us to protect her." Kira responded.
"I think she does, she's just too strong to admit it." Scott said as he brushed his thumb across Kira's cheek.
"Maybe, ya think Liam will forgive her?" She said with a more serious tone.
"I hope so. She really cared for him and he really cared for her."
"Like an emotional tether. I wasn't even there for that but I know about it." Kira said fumbling with her thumbs.
"I wish you had been." He said as he got closer to her.
"I love you." He whispered onto her lips.
"I love you too Scott McCall." She responded as their lips met softly. It felt like their first kiss every time. The same amount of excitement always filled both their bones. Their lips connected perfectly. Kira had never had this sort of connection before. Scott had but his connection was lost. So he made a new one and although it was different he loved this connection just as much. He pulled away slowly and kissed her on the top of the nose for giggles. She did of course. She buried her way into his arms and they returned their gaze at the ceiling. A wordless love that they both knew.

The entire house fell silent, Liam couldn't sleep. He just kept thinking about Cat. Every time he would drift off a nightmare About her beautiful hair, lips, laugh, voice , and those damned eyes woke him back up. He had drifted off a lot too. It had to be very late or early however you see it. In a way this would be a huge success. She was like him and that made that conversation a lot easier but at the same time he couldn't get past the lies. He had to get his own answers. He knew the entire house was asleep and had been for a good amount of time. He climbed from the recliner quietly and stood up. There she laid on the couch peacefully. Her hair was sprayed out and she had a slight smile in her sleep. He touched her arm gently and she stirred only slightly. He shook he a bit the second time and as he eyes opened he put a finger to his lips and took her hand. Her confused face stared back at him but she followed him through the quiet house. As he opened the door they stood on the Stilinski porch wordless. A wordless passion between two people that they both were beginning to figure out.
3,305 words
Authors note
Wow, that was a lot. Like this is the longest chapter thus far and it's honestly insane. So now you know all about Cat and her life story. I really hope I developed that well. I thought I did, the next chapter is a bit shorter and is more about just Liam and Cat so ya know. Anyways, hope you're enjoying the story love you all! Kisses!

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