Learn more about me!

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Okay, so I think its time to do a Q+A type thingy! Im gonna answer a few questions you guys might have about me! If you have anymore questions, put them in the comments and I'll answer them (PS Super Mario Odyssey Hype!)

Whens your birthday?
I put this in the tags, but in case you didn't see it, my birthday is April 10th
What do you like?
I like Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, IT (the movie, i have yet to read the novel), Splatoon, my best friends, sleepovers, video games, drawing, and chocolate
Whats your favorite genre of music?
Rock music is the best!
Whats your favorite band/music producer person?
Imagine Dragons
Who is/are your favorite youtuber(s)?
Cowbelly and SpasticNerd
Do you have any pets?
2 cats, a dog, and a guinea pig :)
Do you have any siblings?
Yep. A brother and a sister
Where do you really like to go?
Disney World and my friends house
Where do you really hate to go?
School, the dentist, and the doctor
What do you not like?
School, homework, vegetables, math, and white chocolate
Whats your favorite holiday?
I like all of the holidays, but my favorite is Easter ( because you get candy)
Now for other questions
Will you ever do a face reveal?
Most likely not
What do you look like?
I won't get very into detail at all (obviously), but i have pale skin, freckles, brown curly hair, and braces.
Will you ever tell us any part of your name?
We don't think

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