Chapter 4

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“Here it is everyone, the final two opponents! Ace and Silver have shown us all how skilled they are so far in this competition and have blown us away with their capabilities!” The announcer bellowed through the speakers. “One of these two will win the title of #1 ISF and $100,000. May the best fighter win!” The crowd was so loud it sounded like thunder rumbling throughout the arena and they even shook the lights in the room I was in.

I quickly, looked at the mirror above the sink in a room they kept the finalists in while they got the center ready and adjusted my mask. I grinned my body was pumped up with excitement and adrenaline was coursing through my veins calling for blood. This is it. The moment I’ve been waiting for was finally here at last. As I walked out of the small room and up the steps that would lead me to Mr. Cheshire Cat I heard my name being chanted all around the arena.

When my foot crossed the last step, I raised my right fist to acknowledge the crowd and confidently strolled towards the center of the arena. This was my element and I wasn’t going to let some guy, beat me at my own sport. As I walked I noticed Silver already standing at attention, watching me with his predatory eyes. As I drew closer to the center I heard people chanting his name as well. The dirt floor had a big X spray painted on both sides telling us where we had to stand before the fight began. The cold air brushed across my bare arms and the scent in the air told me a storm was on its way. I grimaced, if it rained things were definitely going to get messy.

I made it to my spot and took in the crowd. I saw Nic cheering for me to my right at the barricades and felt someone’s eyes boring into the side of my face. Shaking my head, I turned and fixed my gaze on Silver. His eyes looked like liquid silver pooling under his mask. I could see it in his eyes, he was mocking me. From observing him with Nic I knew he would try to tire me out so I just had to find a way to force him to move. An idea came to me and I smirked, just as the bell rang signaling the start of our match. For a long minute neither of us blinked or moved. We were frozen there in the realm of time staring back at each other, waiting for the first one to break.  I felt the first drop of rain hit my cheek, before a clap of thunder sounded and the clouds above us opened up in a torrential downpour.  Lighting crossed the sky creating an eerie look on both of our faces. I could tell things were about to get exciting by the smile that escaped Silver’s lips. Bring it on big boy, I thought to myself.

 I raised a brow and began to circle him like he was my prey and I was giving him time to escape before I pounced. He moved with me and our foot prints created indents on the wet ground. The mask I was wearing made it hard for me to see him with all the rain. So I reluctantly ripped it off my face and threw it to the side where it landed next to his. My movement distracted him and I moved in taking a swing towards his left cheek and tried to follow up with a jab to the stomach but, he easily dodged me. Feinting to the right I attempted to catch him with a leg sweep, but to no avail.

He deftly blocked my kick and turned aside before grabbing me and pinning my arms behind his back. I felt his hard chest against my back, his hot breath fanned against my ear sending goose bumps up and down my wet skin.

“Had enough yet sweet pea?” He breathed in my ear.

I involuntarily shivered, “Ugh!” I head butted him and heard a satisfying grunt as I connected and quickly, followed by stomping his leg. He released my left arm as he tried to catch his balance in the mud. I turned my elbow and tried to ram it into his gut but he dodged and released me. “Didn’t I say not to call me that!” I shouted as I took a step back and he started to chuckle.

 He circled around me and made a swift blow to the side of my head.  I slipped back and fell, my head was spinning and my vision was starting to see two Cheshire cats with wide teeth grinning down at me cynically. The cold mud splashed over me like a wave and I struggled to get up. I could hear his warped laughter mixed with the storm and crowd and it infuriated me. Before I could get up I felt another blow to my right cheek and realized that he was crouched above me. His laughter ringing so close to my ear made my already spinning head hurt like hell. He punched me two more times in the stomach and my already bruised ribs and I cried out in pain.  Through my pain filled haze I began to see a pattern. He would block my arms from hitting him while making sure he landed blows in areas he knew it hurt the most, but my legs were free. I raised my right leg and made a swift kick to his knee. He fell and I elbowed him in the head before he had a chance to get up.

He rolled out of my reach and tried to shake his head but I could tell I got him good as he stumbled back. Mud was caked all over his hair and clothes and I knew I looked no better. His arrogant smirk was gone and in its place was unabashed anger.  The feeling of triumph I got when I saw the smirk leave was erased once I saw the dangerous look in his shining eyes. Oh my god Silver was going to kill me, for the first time I actually felt real fear while fighting.

He charged at me and kept his eyes locked on mine. I quickly dodged left but failed and received a hard kick to the stomach. I doubled over and rolled onto my feet backward to keep him from getting another swing in.  I spit blood from my mouth as it welled from my lip. We circled each other as we calculated our next move. His eyes narrowed when I smirked and he charged at me once again. His fist barely missed my face as I leaned back and using my momentum I swept him off his feet. He fell with a loud splash and I pinned his right arm to his back. I then kicked him repeatedly in the back and was rewarded with grunts of pain. He reached back and took hold of my right arm as I continued to hold his down. He pulled on it hard causing me to wince with pain, but I didn’t let go. He pulled again harder and I felt my tendons pop. Shit, the bastard was trying to break my arm. I tried prying his hands off my wrist with my left hand, but the mud made my hands too slippery. I looked down and noticed how his neck was exposed as he arched his body in his effort to break my arm. I saw the muscles in his neck strain and so I twisted just enough to allow my left knee room to get in a hit. I kneed him several times until his grip on my arm loosened and then I kicked him again in the side as he toppled over. Again I kicked him, causing him to sprawl face first in the mud and after two pounding heart beats, the buzzer went off.

The rain was getting heavier and every droplet was stinging the cuts on my face and body. I walked over to Mr. Cheshire Cat and helped him get up. I was startled by the sound of the crowd chanting my name. I had forgotten we had an audience when I saw the deadly look in Silver’s eyes.  He took my hand and met my eyes. His eyes swam with wonder and disbelief. “You beat me.” His voice was laced with shock and I had to bite back a laugh. “No shit Sherlock, not that you weren’t trying though.” I commended as the announcer made his way towards us. “Maybe you should be the one cheering for me instead.” I winked and sauntered off to the announcer, letting him digest what I just said.

“Congratulations to Ace, our #1 ISF champion!”He bellowed as he lifted up my arm. I looked up to see everyone jumping around hooting and hollering my name. The barricades were being ignored as swarms of people spilled out into the field slipping and sliding in the mud. I thanked the announcer and audience when he handed me the mike and almost had a fit of laughter when I saw myself on screen. I was a muddy mess, but at least my identity was still hidden behind all the mud.

  I shook my head and turned back to see Nic running over to me. He took me into his arms and gave me a bear hug that made my aching body groan in pain.

“Nic stop you’re hurting me.” I wheezed out through clenched teeth. He immediately let me go and gave me a brilliant smile. “You won Ace! You beat us all, you’re the #1 ISF!!!  Congrats!”

I laughed and smacked him on the back, “Thank you, you did well today too! And now you have mud all over your clothes.”

“No worries, say shouldn’t you be heading home? It’s almost 6 a.m.”

“Shoot, thanks for the heads up Nic, see you in class!” I yelled back as I ran to the changing room I had to head home before Lily saw me like this.

“Hey, Sweet Pea!” I heard the damned boy shout at me, when I was almost at the door. I turned my head and saw the damnable smirk back on his face. “Next time, I won’t be so easy on you.” He winked and walked out of the arena while I glared daggers into his back. Yeah next time I’ll make sure that smirk of yours never sees the light of day again. Heh. At least I didn’t get beaten by a girl.

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