god what are titles?

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Title is this way on purpose. Will explain later.

Gakupo looked at the toddler in the highchair in front of him. He held a spoon in front of the child's mouth, disappointedly.

"Piko, baby," Gakupo said. "You gotta eat."

He moved the spoon closer to the boy's face. Piko turned his head, refusing to eat the food off the spoon. Gakupo was distraught.

"C'mon Piko," he said. "It's good for you!"

He touched the spoon against the one year old's lips. Piko looked back at him. He recognized that his father was upset, yet he wasn't hungry. This put stress on the poor child and a few tears fell from his eyes.

"Piko, no. Don't cry!" Gakupo said. "Y-You'll make me cry, too."

A second after Gakupo had stated that, tears poured down Piko's face. The child started to sob loudly.

Gakupo quickly put down the spoon and took the boy out of his highchair. He started to cry a little, too. Gakupo sat on the sofa and held the toddler against his chest.

"Piko," Gakupo said through some tears, "what am I gonna do with you?"

Piko continued to cry into Gakupo's chest. It broke Gaku's heart to see his son this way and he cried some more as well. At this point, Gakupo decided that he needed help. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

Gumi heard her phone ring from the living room. She picked it up off of the sofa and answered it.

"Hello?" she said.

"Gumi," Gakupo answered. "Please, help me!"

"Gakupo? What's wrong?" she then realized she could hear crying. "Is that Piko crying?"

"Yes," he answered. "He won't eat and he started crying and I'm really scared because he's so thin and I don't want him to get sick or starve and you're a mom so I thought maybe you could help me."

"Of course!" Gumi answered. "Sonika is in kindergarten now, so I can come over to help."

"Thank you so much!!" Gakupo replied, fairly relieved to hear this.

"Be there in a bit. Bye!"

"Bye Gumi."

He hung up and turned his attention back to the crying child in his lap.

"It's okay, baby," Gakupo told Piko, starting to rub his back. "Gumi is gonna help you eat."

About five minutes later, Gumi walked through the door. She saw Gakupo and Piko on the couch together, both still crying.

"Thank God!" Gakupo said. "I don't know what to do."

"That's okay. I'm here to help," Gumi reassured. "So, he won't eat at all?"

"I try to give him food but he refuses," Gakupo replied. "He's so thin. I'm really worried about him."

"Hush, honey. He'll be okay," Gumi said starting to rub Gakupo's back. "Did you try giving him a bottle?"

Gakupo looked a little surprised. "I... I hadn't thought of that."

"I'll go make him one. You just continue trying to calm him down." She got up from the sofa and walked into the kitchen.

A minute later, she came back in with a bottle of milk.

"Here, let me see if I can get him to drink it," Gumi said.

Gakupo handed her the child. Gumi cradled Piko in her arms and held the milk bottle close to his mouth. Piko put his mouth on the nipple and started to suck it. Gakupo smiled, as his child was finally eating or drinking something.

"Do you wanna take him back now?" Gumi asked.

Gakupo nodded and Gumi handed Piko back to him. He held the baby bottle and Piko drank from it. Gakupo was smiling like an idiot as he watched the small child drink the milk.

"Ah, look at the big boy drinking his milk," Gakupo said in that type of voice you use with small children. Gumi giggled at this.

He couldn't stop staring at Piko. He looked so cute. Gakupo couldn't even describe his love for the kid. He wanted Piko to be a healthy child. He was going to give his all for Piko.

Once the milk was gone, Gakupo gave the bottle to Gumi. She took it to the kitchen and set it in the sink. As she walked back to the living room, she saw Piko stretch his arms over his head and yawn. Gakupo thought it was the cutest thing.

"Aw, he's tired now because he has a full belly," she sat back down next to Gakupo. "Do you wanna take him to his crib?"

"No," Gakupo replied. "I wanna cradle him in my arms while he sleeps."

"Ah, I see," Gumi smiled. "I'll get a blanket for him."

Gumi left the room to get the blanket. This was when Gakupo noticed that Piko had fallen asleep in his arms. He couldn't help but stare at the beautiful child he was holding. His beautiful child. Gakupo ran his hand through Piko's hair.

Gumi returned with the blanket and gave it to Gakupo. He wrapped it around Piko and cradled the baby again. He turned to Gumi.

"Thank you so much," Gakupo said. "What would I do without you?"

Gumi gave a sweet smile in return. They sat in silence for a few seconds. Then, Gakupo sighed.

"What was I thinking?" he said. "I can't be a single dad. I have no idea how this works. I'm a terrible father."

"Gaku..." Gumi started. "You are not a bad father. You're actually a really good one. You obviously care so much about Piko and you don't want him to get hurt or sick or anything. Just the fact that you adopted him makes you a great dad. You gave this sweet, little boy a home with a loving father. Even if he was shy at first, he warmed up to you. Just because you have to ask for help, it doesn't make you a bad parent. I needed lots of help when Sonika was born. We are all new at one point."

Gakupo smiled. "Thanks, Gumi."

"You can call me anytime you need help," stated Gumi. "I hope Piko will start eating his baby food soon, though. He does look a little underweight."

"I hope he does, too," responded Gakupo. "I love him so much and I can't bear to think about anything bad happening to him."

"I feel the same way about Sonika," Gumi said. "She's my child. She's precious to me."

They both sat in silence, again. They were staring at the sleeping Piko, thinking about how adorable he was.

"Well, I think I should get going," Gumi broke the silence. "Don't hesitate to call if you need anything. I'm usually not busy, but if I am, I'll still try to help over the phone."

"Okay. Again, thank you so very much," smiled Gakupo.

"Anytime," Gumi smiled back. "Bye!"

"Bye," Gakupo watched as the green haired girl walked out the door. He looked back to his son and ran his fingers through his silver hair again.

I'm gonna take good care of you, he thought. I really hope you start eating soon, though. You can't be a skinny little thing forever. He bent down and kissed the child's head.

I love you.


Oh Jesus.

Uh hey. I fucked up a bit last night. Goddammit. I really regret saying those things and I hate that I put you guys through that. Hhhhh.
I'm sorry. Sorry for hurting your feelings or scaring you or whatever.

Also sorry for tricking you into thinking this was gonna be a really fucked up story. This is something I've been thinking about for a bit and I like that I finally wrote it.

Um ok I'm going now.

Oh the top picture was edited by Toco No.

Ok bye now.

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