Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Pilot Part Three

Quinn's Point of View

We hadn't stopped running since we left the safe house in the Barrio. I honestly couldn't even tell you where we were right now. Once we got far enough away from the safe house Teresa and I slowed to a steady walk. She hadn't spoken since we fled and I hadn't pressed her to do so. Gato had just raped her and I let it happen. I promised my brother that I'd protect her and be there for her and I failed her when it mattered most. The logical part of my brain is telling me there was nothing I could really do, but my heart is killing me.

Crickets chirped in the otherwise silent night air. A few dogs barked in the distance as we approached an old church. "We need to get a hold of Epifanio." Teresa said, stopping and turning to look at me.

I guided her over to the side of the church so we weren't just standing out in the open. Part of me didn't want to call Epifanio at all, but part of me knew we had no other choice. Teresa pulled the cell phone buried deep in the bottom of the bag we'd grabbed out and gave me an uneasy glance before dialing the phone number.

We both sat down on the ground next to each other, exhausted. Teresa held the phone to her ear and I leaned in to listen as well. The phone rang repeatedly before a voice finally appeared on the other end. "Hello?"

"Hello?" Epifanio's confused voice filled both our ears. I looked at Teresa, still wondering if this was our best bet. Something about Don Epifanio just never set well with me. He acted friendly, supportive, but I'd always wondered if it was all an act. But if Guero told us to go to him, then he must have trusted him? So should we? "Teresa? Quincy? Who am I speaking to here?"

Teresa froze and handed me the phone. I took a deep breath and let it out. "Don Epi? We need you. We need your help. It's bad. Guero's dead. Please help us?" I didn't want to come across as begging, but at this point I had to.

"Where are you?" He asked. I told him about where I thought we were and hung up the phone. He'd said he was coming to get us. That should have made me feel better, but it didn't.

At this point I wondered if normal would ever be something Teresa and I would feel again.

I glanced over at Teresa. Her eyes were closed and she had her head tilted back resting against the stone building.

"I'm sorry, T." I whispered, feeling the lump forming in my throat. "Are you okay?" I didn't know what to say or do for her.

She opened her eyes, a tear sliding down her cheek and gave me a weak smile. "I'm okay, Quinny. Really."

"I tried to get to you before he... I couldn't. I should have been able to help you." Teresa pulled me into a tight hug, wrapping her arms around me. Teresa had become the sister I'd always wished Guero would have been. We laughed about that constantly, teasing Guero.

"What happened was not your fault." She whispered, pulling back, holding my face in her hands. "You didn't do this. We're going to get through this, okay? I promise you. I told Guero I'd look after you and I will. Always."

"We're familia." I said back, letting her pull me onto her shoulder. I rested my head and closed my eyes for a brief second, finally feeling how tired and achy my body felt. My throat was sore where Gato had grabbed me and felt bruised. My legs ached from running and my feet felt like they had blisters from my boots.

Thirty minutes had passed before we finally heard a car approaching the front of the church. The sound of stones crunching under the weight of the tires made us both jump, startled. We got to our feet and peeked around the side of the church, blinded momentarily by headlights.

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