Chapter 4

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I promise the next chapter will have a TON of James and Quinn! Do you guys think he remembers her? ;)

Chapter 4: Pilot Part Four

Quinn's Point of View

The man named Jose that James had handed me off to a few moments ago, zip tied my hands behind my back again before grabbing my arm and yanking me through the locked door I had been beating on moments ago when I tried to make my grand escape. I had a fucking gun in my hand and I let James take it right out of my hand. I froze. Seeing him made me seize up any fight I had in me. It knocked the adrenaline right out of me.

Did he recognize me? Is that why he didn't just shoot me? Did I creep into his memory like he did mine from time to time since Christmas? Because he totally never creeped into mine. At all. Ever. Only at night when I couldn't sleep and I'd look over and see that damn jacket he'd given me thrown over the arm chair in the corner of my room.

Guero teased me relentlessly about keeping it. "Throw it away." He'd say. But I couldn't. For some reason I liked having some handsome dark brooding strangers jacket.

I liked looking at the sweet nameless guys jacket. I'm not crazy, I swear. Hell, maybe I am. But aren't we all a little crazy at one point or another? Least now I knew his name. James. It seemed fitting. I wasn't so sure if he was as sweet as I had pegged him out to be now though.

He was the last person I expected to see here of all places. But I should have known that he would be into this shady shit, he was at the same Christmas party as Guero and that's all those men there were involved in.

Jose led me by the elbow down a series of dank dark hallways that led into a huge spacious warehouse. Chain link fencing was being used to separate certain areas off. The fluorescent lighting didn't give much other detail away. As I walked my eyes tried to take in as much as possible though, squinting my eyes in the dark. I saw women wearing masks weighing or packaging a white substance in one area.

Cocaine, I assumed. What else would it be?

When I glanced forward I saw Teresa sitting at a metal table with her hands behind her back. Her head was down, like maybe she was resting. That didn't stop me from calling out to her, "Teresa!"

Her eyes snapped up and I could see relief washing over her features as it washed through me in waves. She looked like a caged dog behind the chain link fencing. Jose dragged me forward and shoved me inside, shutting the gate behind him, spitting at my boots.

"Fuck you, too, asshole!" I shot out! Jose glared at me as he walked away. I probably shouldn't have insulted him like that, but something told me since James said I was hands off, he wasn't going to do anything.

James must be above him. Good.

"Quinn!" Teresa said, capturing my attention.

She stood up and walked over to me and we looked at each other. I wanted to hug her, but that was kind of hard to do with my hands tied behind my back.

"Follow me." Teresa said, quietly. She led me behind a shelf holding some sort of liquid in containers, out of sight of prying eyes. She backed up to the shelf and started to saw off her zip ties. "You can use the edge of the metal shelf to break free."

Her hands were free within a few seconds.

I noticed the sharp edge of the metal shelf she was talking about and backed up to it and did the same thing she did, wincing a little when the band dug into my wrists. It got tighter before it finally snapped and I was free.

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