I'm here for you! Frostiron

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It was a cold, stormy spring night on Asgard. A young man sat on a chair in a giant glass cell. It was Loki, god of mischief. It was a few months after the New York incident.

There was screaming coming from the cell. "NO PLEASE....PLEASE STOP AHHHHH" Loki screamed.

Then it went quiet.

A man walked

Out of the cell with some blood on his armour. You couldn't see his face.

Hours later there was a bright light coming from inside the glass cell.

Then a guard walked out, he seemed to be injured.

He quietly walked out to the bi-frost and asked to go to Midgard, as sent by Odin himself on a mission.

As he teleported to Midgard a ball of light covered his body, and turned into a man with pale skin, sharp cheekbones, black hair and green eyes. It was Loki. He had cuts all I've his face, his clothes were ripped and had blood stains on them, and he had cuts and bruises all over his body. There was a very large and deep cut around his right thigh.

When he arrived in Midgard, he had landed in a small street that was in the state of Malibu. It was raining but it wasn't hard. But enough to make his cuts sting.

He fell to the ground when he landed he was in too much pain to even walk. There was also a cut across the top of his mouth which was too painful or him to talk. It was raining harder now and the blood was dripping out and then gushing and mixing with the water on the street.

There was no where to go. He had no one.

Loki wondered the streets to find shelter. It felt like he had been walking for hours now. It was around midnight. As he kept walking the streets he saw a shelter in an alley way. There was a box which had a soft but dirty mossy green blanket.

It was all he had so he lay on some bags full of garbage and wrapped the blanket around himself, eventually he fell asleep.


It was 4am and tony was still awake he was sitting working on his armour. "Jarvis, I'm going for a walk" tony said as he got up and walked out of his lab and into the living room. "Would you like me to get your raincoat sir?" Jarvis asked. " yes " tony said receiving the raincoat and Putting it on, and then he left.

Tony walked the streets just to think about what had happened between pepper and him


Pepper - it's like you love your work more than you love me!

Tony - that's not true you made 12% of my works.

How about I give you a vacation to Hawaii or something?

Pepper - you can't just keep giving me vacations to make me forgive you. Okay I'm done, goodbye tony.

Then pepper walked out.

-end of flashback-

Tony got shocked back to reality when he nearly got hit by a car. He dived out of the way near an alley way "well that was fun... Not" tony said sarcastically.

"Tony?" Loki whimpered.

Tony looked around the alley way to see who had said his name.

Was it pepper? He looked harder when he found behind a massive dumpster a green blanket with an injured Loki underneath it.

"Help me" Loki whimpered again pleading for help.

What do I do tony thought.

He tried to kill me several times but I can't just leave him here helpless.

Tony called Jarvis to send a suit and in a couple of minutes the suit arrived and set itself up on tony.

Once it had finished he picked up Loki and flew back to his mansion.

Once they had both landed. "Jarvis he the medical kit now!!" Tony yelled.

Soon enough a robot hand came out of the wall and have tony the medical kit. Tony removed Loki wet shirt and and saw all the cuts and whip marks. They were still bleeding so it would have happened only a bit ago.

Once he patched up and stitch up all the cuts on his chest and shoulders. He patched his legs and bandaged them. Then moved to his face which had the worst cuts he stitches them up and gave Loki a pain killer.

"I'm not hearing a Thankyou" tony said smugly. Loki said nothing.

"Well okay I'll just show you to your temporary room.

They walked through passages until tony stopped into front of a door which was dark brown wood with green outlining. Tony twisted the knob and they both walked in.

"There are some spare clothes in the drawers over there" tony said while pointing at the drawers. "I you need anything let me know rain deer games" he said before leaving the room and shutting the door.

"Stupid smug humans" Loki thought to himself. Loki walked over to the drawers and grabbed a green tshirt that was much too big for him and a pair of jeans that were also too big. He put them on while holding the jeans up with his hands.

Loki walked over to a closed door that was in the room.

He twisted the knob and the door opened. It was the bathroom. He decided to have a shower to clean his hair. He started running the shower. He decided to have a cold shower because the heat was burning his cuts. So he twisted the cold knob a bit and waited for the right temperature the stripped off and hopped in.

His skin slowly started turning blue and his eyes turned red from the cold.

The surprisingly Loki fell to the ground and was squirming.

His eyes shut an he was breathing heavily.

"PLEASE NO... NO STOP PLEASE... I'M SORRY JUST STOP!!! NO AHHHH!!!..." He was still screaming when tony ran in and saw what was happening he fell to the floor and pulled the screaming Loki to his chest and rocked him and said "shhhh looks it's okay your safe here shhhhh". After several minutes Loki finally woke from the shock and nightmare. Turns out he was still naked.

Tony sat up, looked at the blue Loki and handed him a towel.

Then he sat back down and asked "so why are you blue?" "I guess Thor never told you of my true family, I am Loki lauphyson of jotunheim. I am the monsters parents tell their children about. I'm a monster! My father is not Odin. I killed my father when I did not know it. My real father casted me out for death when I was a baby because I was unusually smaller than the rest of the frost giants. Even the father I thought was mine tried .... Did .... Hurt me..." Loki whispered still in pain from his wounds.

Tony pulled Loki closer to his chest and said " we're not that different before I was iron man I made lethal weapons that killed many people

I was a killer, That's how I made my money from selling weapons to armies, but we can all change. These men kidnapped me and a friendly man named Alfred mangrove. He helped me get through it and changed my ways and I never made weapons that killed people. Not for armies or anything again.

But when me and Alfred tried to escape he tried to hold them off so I could escape and they killed him. See we are the same. But you don't have anyone to help you get through this stage like I did. So that's why I'm gonna help you".

Loki looked up at tony " how can you trust me I'm a monster!" Loki said "We're have rage in there somewhere some let it out others keep it held inside for no one to see" tony said softly. Then tony lent in and kissed Loki. Loki had an expression of shock on his gave when it happened but then closed his eyes and went along with it.

After 5 seconds they stopped as Jarvis was saying "sir.... there is someone at the door".


Heh thanks for reading people

I wonder what happens and who's the mystery person at the door?!

Heh stay tuned to find out!

I'm here for you! FrostironWhere stories live. Discover now