Chapter 1

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Danny was with his friends laughing at the nasty burger. "Danny what's on the agenda today?" The raven haired boy sighs smiling "probably gonna have to deal with box ghost or skulker."

Tucker laughs grabbing his burger they walk out heading to the Fenton's. They sky was bright the sun was hotter than usual. Danny looked around then his ghost sense activated looking around then at Sam and Tucker.

He runs to the closes ally way went ghost flying around looking for anything. "That's weird I thought there would be a ghost or my ice powers." Then boom a blast was hitting him in the chest making him scream hitting the ground.

Vlad was hovering smiling "well Danny this is a surprise." The halfa hissed in pain looking at the vampire ghost "what's your plan fruit loop take me out and my dad marry my mom?" Vlad smiles "maybe my dear boy that sounds good actually." Charging a ectoblast then Danny fly at his enemy dodging punching him into a roof.

Vlad laughs getting up looking at the teen ghost "maybe today or tomorrow I'll get you little badger." Flying away dramatically the halfa shacking his head flying towards his house getting a text.

We decided to go home.

The halfa sighs landing changing into his human form. In the mail he had some mail for his parents then a envelope with his name on it. Not really caring he went inside giving the mail to his parents and walked up to his room with his letter. Placing it on top of his bed.

Thinking to himself who the hell would write me something or even give me mail. He went to shower getting ready for some sleep.

Next day

Danny walks to school seeing sam and Tucker waiting for him. "Hey dude what's up?" The boy looked at his friends thinking about what the envelope has in it. "I got this envelope with my name then fought Vlad last night. Something isn't right when have I ever got mail before."

The goth nods in agreement "that's weird did you open it?" The raven haired boy shacks his head "no it's just there in my room." They walk into school getting ready for anything.

After school

Danny sits at home looking at the mysterious envelope. Finally having enough he gets up grabbing it opening it. He looked at the note eyes widen.

Dear Mr.Fenton

We know you're secret that your Danny Phantom. Meet us in a abandoned building east side of town. You have two days to comply or we kill your family and friends.

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