Monsters in horror movies

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Let's talk about characters in horror movies,
you know the ones who hear breathing on the phone...
and then proceed to not put down the phone and call-the-police!
The ones who hide in a small space (Where they can't escape may I add)
Whilst the monster out to kill them!

We shout at them through the screen
but aren't we all them?

Let's talk about Mental illness,
you know the black cloud overhead.
The voices in your head telling you you're worthless.
But what do most do?
They hide in small spaces by themselves and keep it silent.

We don't shout out because no-one talks about this,
Some of you may even feel uncomfortable hearing those words: 'Mental illness'

Monsters in horror films are like the illness in our mind,
the black dog weighing us down,
the ones we are afraid to talk about.
Don't scream at the TV screen.
Scream at the monsters in your mind!

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