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I'm going to be looking into dialogue then we will examine comments from the last parts.

Logan: I feel like I'm out of productive things to say. I'm just frustrated.

Sometimes we lose our motivation to do certain objectives. When you can't find a will to do something, you tense and become angry at yourself. Your mind just doesn't want to cooperate. Sometimes due to distractions or emotions.

Psychology Today's article named Logic and Emotion says whenever you are faced with a choice, your right and left brain wrestle one another. Your right brain is most likely to win because we are blinded by our wants, pushing aside what we need.


This can also correspond when in Patton's room, Prince and Patton ignore Logan and Virgil. The right brain is ignoring the left. They are both battling one another, and the host, who in this case is Thomas, will almost always go to the right brain. Which he does.

Roman: You write down all your thoughts and feelings in an eloquent letter and deliver to him in a basket full of his favorite things!

Why don't we just call him? We can call him right now!

Well, maybe we don't have to let go of those feelings! There must be some sort of way to recapture the past!

Hey! That's a great idea for bringing together you and-

What about a scrapbook filled with all the good times-

RaylinB_TheShipper_  has brought a lot about Roman to my attention. Please do go follow them for allowing me to use their thoughts and ideas!

This was one-

Honestly Roman might have a bigger part than we might think. Yes he has alot to do with romance, but with him being really romantic he now has no one to show these emotions too, and because of that he's way more over the top, and with no where to expel the feelings, it would cause Thomas to feel worse, thus affecting Patton, and making him more upset, and then affecting Roman again because the realization that he truly has no one to show romance too, and repeating the same vicious cycle, so not only does mostly Patton have to get over it, Roman does as well, in order for Thomas too feel better. Also keep in mind as Roman keeps getting turned down with his ideas of expressing romance and feeling worse, Patton, and in turn Thomas, both also feel worse.

Also, when Thomas said he was in a relationship for awhile, Roman would get used to being able to freely express romance

To add on to this, I have experience in this field and I am quite glad for that. When I ended a relationship with someone it strange. We kept talking for a while after, but it felt odd not expressing any romantic feelings towards them. Like I said in a reply to their comment, it felt as if we locked a door and threw away the key. It was difficult and it still is, even though we don't talk anymore those stray feelings still appear ever so often.

A website named The Every Girl has stated a few reasons on why people can't get over their relationships once it is over.

Here is the second reason:

You're scared to let go

The thing about not being over a breakup is that the sense of dwelling is still a form of holding on. Although tempting, letting the person live in your mind is not the solution to them not being in your life. Change is terrifying and sometimes our defense is to cling to familiarity — and in this case, cling to the memory of someone who isn't there anymore. Even though finding the courage to want to let someone go is easier said than done, it's one of the initial steps that are needed. You may not realize, but it could be a reason for why the memory of it doesn't seem to be leaving.


Logan: He's been brainstorming all day and he has yet to come up with one productive non-creepy idea.

Roman: I'm not creepy. I'm joking. You just don't understand love.

Logan: I understand that it is making you act pathetic

Here I believe it is implied that there are still feelings for Thomas' ex. Hence when Roman says Logan doesn't understand love. Which is pretty rude, adding that to my theory of Roman sort of treating Logan like he use to Virgil.

In another article of Psychology Today named 5 Ways to Move on When You Still Love Your Ex there is a reason that matches perfectly with what is going on. That is step 2: Let Go of the Fantasy.

It says:  Most people don't want back the relationship they actually had. What they mourn for is the relationship they thought they could have had if things had just been different. But the truth is, that relationship didn't exist. Letting go of a dream can be painful. When the relationship first started there were expectations set for what it could be based on the good things that seemed to be unfolding at the time. Almost all relationships are great in the beginning—otherwise, they would have never started—but the whole of a relationship is what it was from beginning to end. 

Because our mind is trying to heal our heart, the painful often get shifted to the background and we find ourselves remembering and longing for the good times. 


If this doesn't describe the situation at hand, I don't even know what will. Logan said that remembering would be a good idea, the mind trying to heal the heart. But because of that, they focused on everything else instead of the actual problem. Which is shifting the pain, speaking of which:

Thomas: I gotta think that your room is literally sunshine and rainbows

Patton: Well it's not (processing) quite like that

Thomas: Still you're the core of a lot of my happy feelings

Patton: I'm the core of your feelings

This leads to them going to his room. Patton proceeds to smother them with happiness and keeping them from negative feelings. He's trying to live up to what Thomas said. He wants happiness, so Patton is trying to provide that. 

Logan noticed that the experiment was not working and doing the opposite. That's because Patton wasn't letting them find the negative emotions. He's hiding the core of the problem from them. Logan simply proceeds to call out Patton on his emotions, where he responds negatively. Because of this Logan leaves, clearly mad.

I'm not blaming Patton, but what he is doing right now is wrong. I know he's trying to hide his feelings and keep Thomas from getting hurt. But an article from Scientific American named Negative Emotions Are Key to Well Being says that anger and sadness are vital to your mental health.


If Patton doesn't let his emotions show, I fear it will not be Logan who has an emotional/mental breakdown. But instead Patton. If any of you have any more ideas please comment and add-on. Thank you.

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