Kyle Broflovski: Chapter 4

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(Low-key trigger warning towards the end of this chapter. Mainly when it gets to the note section! Please, take care of yourself and watch what you read!)

The only thing I knew was real anymore was 2 things: Stan and I's friendship and Tweek and I's friendship. Me and Tweek have been hanging out a lot lately and I'm really okay with it. Tweek is a really good friend and that's what I need at this moment in time. We went to school and I was depressed that day. I saw Wendy's locker. The other kids decorated it and it pissed me off. If they really knew her, they wouldn't decorate her locker. They would know that she wouldn't want flowers and an extravagant viewing party. All Wendy Testaburger would want were he close friends and family to mourn, and then to find her killer. She wouldn't want kids that hardly knew her decorating her locker and making a memorial for "the beloved" Wendy. It made me so angry. I started to cry. I was a mess if emotions. First I was angry, and now I'm crying. What the fuck is wrong with me?! I sank to the ground in front of the row of lockers, sitting right in front if her old locker. I felt a sudden warmth on my arm as I realized, someone had sat next to me. I looked up to see none other than Tweek Tweak. We didn't say anything as I rested my head on his shoulder and cried. He twitched a few times but for some reason, it wasn't as much as normal. We sat for a good 5 minutes before finally standing up to go to the bathroom. I needed to clean up. Life was rough everywhere right now. My home life is terrible, My best friend was murdered and I only have 2 real friends. Tweek looked at me when we got into the bathroom. He had no idea what was happening at home. He looked at me and said "Are you o-okay? I mean ok as p-possible right now..." I smiled "yeah dude. I'm fine" he gave me a suspicious look. "Tweek, really I'm okay. You can go. I promise" he gave me one last look and then walked out. Once I heard the door close, I immediately checked my face. Damn. Some of my foundation came off. It revealed a big black and purple bruise on my check. I sighed and pulled the foundation out of my bag. I reapplied carefully without hurting myself in the process. I finally wiped my eyes and went to leave the bathroom. I didn't want to be at school anymore, but I had no place to go. I pulled open the bathroom door and I saw Craig, leaning against some lockers next to the door. He looked at me with rage in his eyes. He moved so quickly I couldn't comprehend what was happening. Craig had me pinned against the wall. "What the fuck Kyle? You trying to get with Tweek or something?! I see the way you look at him. He tells me all the kind things you do for him. So what the hell are you plotting? You gonna try to take him and run like his knight in shining armour?" I was choking, as he had his forearm held against my neck. I choked out "please let me" "ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION BROFLOVSKI!" "I don't" I coughed loudly and my vision started to get blurry "please Craig L-let me down!" "Say you aren't gonna try and steal him, say you will stay away from Tweek." My heart stopped. Did he just say I have to stay away from Tweek? I don't like Tweek in that way but...losing him as a friend would break me. But if I didn't say that I might die. "I...I will stay away from Tweek..." I started crying again as Craig threw me to the ground. "That's what I thought" he walked away. I sat on the floor, choking for air and sobbing. God I wish Wendy was here to help me. She would beat the fuck out of Craig. Heh. I laughed to myself slightly as I stood up and grabbed my bag. I hardly have anything to live for anymore, so why not let go? I only have Stan now. I walked out the school doors, not caring about the principals hollering. I went home already and went up to me room. I wrote a note. I re-read the note multiple times before deciding my plan. The note read:

'My name is Kyle broflovski. If you are reading this, then I'm probably dead. If you are reading this and I'm not dead, then I showed you after things got better or I failed my attempt some how.  I just wanted to put my current thoughts on paper and my current plan. Firstly Fuck you Craig Tucker. Secondly Fuck whoever killed Wendy Testaburger and thirdly Fuck you mom and dad for hitting me everyday just for be gay. Which by the way, I'm not Gay I'm bi sexual. There is a difference. I only have two things left to live for at this point in life. Stanly Marsh, my best friend and finding Wendy's killer. Since Craig threatened me if I talk to Tweek Tweak anymore. That's all I'm running on. I have made a plan. That plan goes as follows:
Today is the 3rd of June. If my life gets worse, I'm dead. If we don't find Wendy's killer by the 3rd of July, I'm dead. That's a month. If things in my life somehow go even farther down hill, I'm dead. Hell maybe after finishing this letter I will try out that self-harm thing everyone does. I hear it helps relieve stress. (a/n:PSA please don't self-harm to relieve stress. Go outside and watch the clouds or do yoga, but DONT hurt your beautiful self 💗💞) anyhow, that's all.
            Kyle Broflovski
I folded the note and placed it in the drawer of my dresser. I looked at my phone and saw that I had 12 new messages and 3 missed calls.

10 new messages from: Tweek ☕

Tweek ☕: did you leave school?
Tweek ☕: Kyle?? Are you okay dude?
Tweek ☕: your scaring me, what's up?
Tweek ☕: ???
Tweek ☕: KYLE
Tweek ☕: KYLE
Tweek ☕: KYLE
Tweek ☕: dude seriously
Tweek ☕: I'm about to leave and come to your house. You have 1 minute to answer my calls
Tweek ☕: here I come!
2 new messages from: 🇸 🇹 🇦 🇳

🇸 🇹 🇦 🇳: did u leave?
🇸 🇹 🇦 🇳: dude
-end texts-
Holy shit Tweek is coming to my house?! FUCK. I heard a knock on the door. Dammit. I was gonna ignore his calls out to me, even though it hurt like hell to just ignore his concerned screams for me. I realized that my front door was not locked. Shit. I heard the front door open and I heard Tweek's voice fill the house "Kyle? Are you here? P-please t-talk to me dude!" Shit shit shit what do I do?! I heard him coming up the stairs and he tapped lightly on my door. "Kyle?" "What do you want Tweek..." I said it in a harsh tone. It hurt me. I couldn't let him in...all my foundation was off from my sobbing. "Can I please come in" "just go away Tweek! I don't want you getting involved with something bigger than you can handle." "What does that mean Kyle? Please just let me in" I had a small mental battle, until my heart took the reigns. "'re gonna be scared when you look at me..." "Kyle, I hate to break it to you but you aren't a scary dude. Just open the door" I took a deep breath in and pulled the door open. "Oh my god"
Bruh this chapter was really depressing, I promise in chapter 6 I will start getting into the gang finding Wendy's murderer. Also, no Tweek and Kyle wont be dating in this. Hope you enjoyed! Noelle out! 💞

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