Killer/Stan Marsh: Chapter 10

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No sense of regret ran through my body as I slowly choked Kyle. He deserve this. They all deserved this. He had no reaction other than wide eyes and a purple and blue face. He finally stopped breathing. I felt for his pulse. Their was none. It was done. I had killed my second victim. I quickly put my hood up and walked out, making sure my face wasn't pointed towards the camera. I went home as the police arrived. I slept peacefully that night, not a thought of remorse in my mind for my old friend. I hope it was painful.

Stan Marsh
Craig and Tweek started screaming and banging on my door like mad men. "STAN LET US IN! WE NEED TO TALK NOW!" I swung the door open to Craig holding a shocked and wet Bebe. "What the fuck happened?" I asked. Craig walked past me, tightening his grip on bebe and setting her down on the couch. She sat in a ball, shivering. Kenny came in the room with Ike. He saw Bebe and immediately led Ike back into his room. I walked over to Bebe and bent down to talk to her. "What happened?" I asked. She shook her head and looked me in the eyes. "Someone tried to drown me in the pool." My eyed widened. This was supposed to be a safe place for us! How did this killer find us?! This confirms that they are coming after the people I care about though...  "Bebe...I'm so sorry.." she shook her head. "I...I'm just thankful Craig and Tweek found me. I thought I was dead for sure.. I didn't get to see the person either so I have no clue" I took a deep breath in. I pulled Craig to the side and let Tweek try to comfort Bebe. "We have to get out of here." I said to Craig immediately. Craig nodded and over at the two blonde's. "This means anyone of us could be next.." Craig growled. "And i'm sure as hell not gonna let it be Tweek" he said, anger radiating out of him at the thought of Tweek getting hurt. That's how I should have felt about Wendy.. About Kyle... I shook myself out of it. "Craig, you and Kenny go gran Token and Clyde. We need to stick together, no one goes anywhere without someone else." I said seriously and rubbed my forehead. Craig opted to not say anything else and quietly went to retrieve Kenny from the room he and Ike were hiding in. The three walked out and as Kenny walked by me to get to the door, he placed a hand on my shoulder. He didn't say anything. He just looked at me for a minute and drug his hand off my shoulder as he walked to the door. Cold chills ran rapid all over my body as I shook my head. The door quietly shut behind me and I walked over to the three people left in the room. Bebe was still in shock. Tweek was shaking more than usual. Ike barely comprehended what was going on. I figured I could ask Bebe a few more questions without upsetting her too bad. "Bebe.. How did you live? Why didn't they...y'know... Make sure you where dead?" She took a moment to think before looking me in the eyes coldly. "I... I don't know. I passed out in the water and I guess they just... Thought I was... D-dead" she swallowed back more tears. I heard a knock on the door and some voices coming from outside. I stood up and checked the peephole, just to be sure it was my friends. It indeed was and I pulled open the door. The four quickly walked in. Token spoke as he walked in "The atmosphere is fucking creepy man". I'm assuming Kenny and Craig probably told them about what happened. Clyde walked over and gave Bebe a hug. They may not be dating anymore, but they were still surprisingly close friends. It was a shock when she picked to room with Tweek and Craig. Bebe cried into his shoulder as everyone watched. Token sat in one of the arm chairs in the corner. Tweek and Craig took the loveseat, Ike sat between them. Kenny sat in the one other arm chair. Bebe moved off the couch a little so Clyde could sit next to her. I pulled one of the barstools over and sat on it. Craig looked up at me. "So... What is our plan now?" It was a good question. One that I hadn't had too much time to think about. I looked around the room. All these people, these frightened faces, trusted me. That was terrifying for me. How did I get myself entangled in this? What did any of them do to deserve being roped into this game. I took a deep breath before explaining the slight plan I had formed in my head. "Do not trust anyone other than the people in this room. No one is our friend. Secondly, do NOT go ANYWHERE without one other person in this room at all times. Buddy system, like when we where kids... Third, we all sleep in this room tonight. Tomorrow we gather the cash that was given to us and we leave. We go as far as we can. That van we drove here in? I still have the keys. But we will need to move fast." Everyone looked around the room at each other. Clyde nodded. "Okay... Whatever you think is the best plan of action." Everyone else mumbled different things, but the general consensus was that everyone agreed. Tweek piped up. "S-so if we are a-all supposed to s-sleep in here, what are sleeping a-arrangements?" I thought to myself for a moment. "Couples take the beds, so Clyde and Token get a bed and Tweek and Craig get a bed." They nodded. "Ike, are you okay with Bebe taking your bed and you sleeping on the loveseat?" Ike nodded with a smile on his face. "Of course!" He exclaimed. Bebe smiled weakly at him. "Thanks, Ike" I thought for a moment longer. Kenny and I still had to find a place. "Ken, you take the couch. I will make myself a spot with blankets on the floor." Kenny looked at me. "Are you sure man?" I nodded at him. "Yeah, Yeah it's fine" everyone split up into groups to go get things from their respective rooms. By the time everyone was back and situated in their spots, it was eight thirty at night. No one really wanted to stay up any later, as today's events wore everyone out. We all said goodnight and went off to our rooms and places. It took me about an hour to actually drift into a sleep. A few hours later, I woke up to an odd sound. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked around the room. Ike was fast asleep on the love seat, all the bedroom doors where shut. I turned my attention to the empty couch. Kenny was supposed to be asleep on it. He wasn't laying down, asleep on the couch. In fact, he was nowhere in the living room. The blanket he was using still rested on the couch. It appeared that he had removed the blanket himself, not by force. My heartbeat picked up as I stood up. I heard the noise again. It sounded like it was...coming from Bebe's room? I got a bit closer to the door and... Managed to piece together what was happening. "Oh fuck Kenny!" I heard Bebe moan out, trying to be slightly quiet. She couldn't help but be a bit loud and I could tell. "Don't be afraid to moan, baby. Everyone is asleep" Kenny's thrust was so powerful I could hear it from outside the door. Bebe moaned loudly. I mean, really loudly. The sound I had heard was the creaking of the bed as Kenny thrusted into the blonde girl. It made me miss having someone. Made me miss the human contact of making love with another person. I sighed and went back to my cot on the floor. A few moment later, I heard one final noise. It sounded like Bebe had finished. Damn, Kenny's dick must be Godly if he could get a girl to finish that quickly. I fell back asleep, dreaming of Wendy. No, not anything dirty. Just her in general. I missed her so fucking much. I couldn't do anything without thinking of her. The next morning I woke up to the sunlight piercing threw the windows in the living room. I also woke up to Token calling out for Clyde. I sat up and looked over at him as he hurriedly stumbled out of his room. "Where is Clyde?!" He questioned and looked around the living room. I stood up quickly. "He wasn't in bed with you?" I asked quietly and looked at the couch. Kenny was sitting up on the couch, rubbing his face. "We need to go look for him" Kenny spoke, his voice deep and grovely from just waking up. He yawned and pulled on a white long sleeved shirt. I nodded "y-yeah, Token stay here and wake up everyone else. Kenny and I will go look for him around the hotel...." Token shook his head. "I'm going. He is my fucking boyfriend" Kenny and I looked at each other. I nodded. "Alright uhm... Kenny, can you wake everyone else up while Token and I go to find Clyde." Kenny nodded and stood up to stretch. "I got it. Hey Token, don't freak out. I'm sure he probably just went to get breakfast from the lobby. You know how he is with food" Token nodded, but he didn't really believe that. I didn't really believe it either. Clyde was a little stupid sometimes, but he wouldn't go by himself and not tell anyone. Token and I headed for the door. We exited to go look for Clyde around the hotel. We searched the whole hotel, starting from the top floor down. After looking around on the bottom floor, we stood in the lobby. "Where haven't we checked?" I asked Token. He thought for a moment. His hand was shaking. He was afraid. He turned more pale,well as pale as he could, as he realized where we hadn't been. "The pool..." We both realized we had completely skipped the pool. We figured Clyde had no reason to be swimming, especially after what happened to Bebe yesterday. Token ran towards the elevator and I followed after him. We climbed in the metal box and I pushed the number 'three' the doors shut us in. Token tapped his foot angrily as the doors opened out onto floor three. We ran down the hall to the pool and ripped the door open. We walked in and Token crumbled to the ground. "JESUS NO. PLEASE GOD NO" He screamed and crawled over to the pool side. Clyde was floating next to the edge of the pool. Token pulled him out of the water, getting soaked in the process. He moved the hair out of Clyde's cold, pale face. His whole body was limp. It was obvious that he was gone. Token sobbed and pulled Clyde up, hugging the corpse. He laced his fingers through Clyde's chocolate brown hair. He sobbed even harder and kept begging, begging for it to be false. "This can't be happening" he screamed threw his tears. My mind raced. Why had Clyde left on his own? How did he end up in the pool? Why Clyde? None if it made sense. It felt unreal. It took me a moment before I managed to realize that the water from the pool was red... Blood? If the killer had drowned Clyde, why was there blood? I tapped Token's shoulder and he refused to move. "Token.. Please... Let him go..." Token clutched onto his body for a moment longer before releasing him from his grip. Token placed Clyde's body carefully on the ground again. I helped Token stand up and walked him to one of the pool chairs out. I then walked back to Clyde's body and flipped him over. I found the source of the blood. I stood up and ran to the trashcan, vomiting inside. The killer had carved something into his back. A large number three. Was it a warning? Whatever it was meant to be, it disgusted me. I forced Token not to look as we ran out of the pool room. Token and I stumbled back up to the room and banged on the door. Kenny pulled the door open and Token walked in, falling to the floor again. Everyone looked at him. I stood in the door way, we both had blood all over our clothing and hands. Everyone knew what had happened. Bebe began to cry as well. Token looked up at everyone. "He's fucking DEAD". We all sat and silence and watched the two sob. Kenny looked pale, like he had something he wanted to say. I pulled Kenny to a different room. "What is it? You look pale as fuck" I admitted to him. He looked me in the eyes. "Stan... It's my fault Clyde is dead.. He asked me to go with him last night to get snacks from the vending machine. I told him no... Because... Because..." I knew what he was going to say. "Because you wanted to fuck Bebe" his face turned bright red. "Erm... Uh yeah.. Did you like hear us?" He questioned, embarrassed. I nodded "yeah, you guys weren't quiet" he cleared his throat. "I-I didn't know Clyde was gonna go on his own! It's my fucking fault he is dead" I shook my head and placed a hand on Kenny's shoulder. "You can't blame yourself for this, Kenny. It's no one's fault other than the killer's, you hear me?" He nodded and covered his face. "Can we... Not tell anyone? I don't want anyone else to hate me or blame me" I nodded. "Of course man, it's sensitive right now" he smiled at me. "Thanks man" I turned to walk out of the room. "Oh and Stan?" I turned around and looked back at him. "Yeah" He smirked slightly. "My bisexual door is always open. If you ever wanna... I dunno, experiment? I'm here for that" I gulped and felt my face get red. "I might take you up on that later"
Rest in peace baby boy Clyde :( you will be missed. Hi bitches! I'm baaaack! Will Kenny and Stan fuck in the next chapter? Did Bebe call in Kenny or did Kenny ask Bebe? Who is next on the Killer's hitlist? Why Did the killer carve 'three' into Clyde? Other than the obvious answer of course. I hope this chapter was worth the long ass wait for an update! Don't worry, you will get an answer to all the above questions soon enough. Thank you for reading this new chapter! I hope my writing had improved a lil bit too! 💞💞

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