Cancer Pov

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Today I'm know what's going to happen Scorpio is just go to bully me like all ways but today was different she wasn't here so I looked in her dorm not there looked at all her favorite places because she's my crush and then I saw her at the boxing ring kissing this guy I watched she's let them I'm not sure because she's punched that guy and she said a bunch of curse witds she bet him up until he was unconscious and she said
"I hope you die in bloody hell because I the CANCER"
Wait she likes me how why she's my bully anyway she went back to talking to this guy and she said this to him
"Dude that last person was a pervert find me strongwe and better men please"then he said "so you want to die then"he laughed then she said "I hate that guy I hope he is dead because I told him I had a boyfriend named cancer then he said like you date a disease and I said NO Bit*h I date a guy named cancer and then I told him he was my crush and Kissed me like FML FML FML AND HML What mean I hate my life but yeah that's what happened"and he said "Scorpio stop bullying the guy you like okay it's not good and I know your hot head but as your older brother I think you need to stop"and she said " I don't care I do what I want when I want" he said "I'm telling Dad then" and she said "I will Kill Him Duh idoit" his was like O.O And I ran out as she went to her dorm

At Class
Cancer:I will never get math

Virgo:It's pretty easy I guess

Taurus:*eats food*i like math a latte

Cancer:That's because your eating Taurus

Taurus:Not my fault I'm marrying food later

*points at clock and watch*

Scorpio:I really don't care teacher like you know we have better things to do

Mrs:Ricci:Scorpio that's you third hour of detention with Leo

Scorpio:That idoit he's a little good girly girly hahah

Leo:Dude I'm right here

Scorpio:Dude your about to get punched

Leo:*backs away slowly*

Scorpio:*punches him anyway*

Leo:What the bleep Scorpio

Scorpio:I just wanted to see you hurt


All girls in room:Why did she punch him he's the best and she's a bad girl

Virgo:guys that not nice to say

Scorpio:I really don't care but thanks Virgo and taurus and all you other bleeps and more bleeps

Mrs:Ricci:Scorpio 2 more hours of school now

Scorpio:don't care im out

Cancer:Virgo how can you not like type of girl like that

Virgo:Cancer your a boy stop talking like that okay its wired and weird

Cancer:okay fine

The bell rings

Hey guys how was tay chappie good that's great tell me if you like or not PLEASE TELL THX LOVE YALL

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