Drama drama And DRAMA

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Scorpio pov
Ahhh I Sagittarius he's so DUMB he just had to bring that up I mean I don't want to date anyone and cancer it's just worse I mean I hate to date anyone and plus I hate everybody so I hate it

Virgo:are you okay

Scorpio:get out

Virgo:Are you Okay

Scorpio:GEt OUt


Scorpio:*takes out nunchucks*time for the gym

This is what Scorpio does at the gym so YAYYYYYy

Her bro:that's not so easy sis remember

Scorpio:ya I know

This is what she did when she was a 4 years old

Scorpio:ya everyone was scared of me hehe😈

Her bro Liam:ya okay now practice okay

Scorpio:Okay Liam


Cancer walks in to see Scorpio but see her talking and laughing with a guy but watches

Scorpio:haha your the best

Frankie:Yay that's feels good

Scorpio:weirdo time to Die 😈

Frankie:Okay let's

Scorpio:*knocks him out in one kick punch and nunchucks*haha you where wrong

Frankie:I may gay but really can on

Scorpio:hey I'm good

Frankie:Okay see you tomorrow boo muah muah Bye DONT Kill me next please

Scorpio:I cannot promise hehe and Frankie

Liam:now about cancer

Scorpio:would you Stop already

Liam:No don't listen to dad you can date how you want

Scorpio:I don't want to get hurt again Liam I can't

Liam:yes you can you can hurt him if you want if he does

Scorpio:I like that plan 👿😈

Liam:stop looking like the devil yesh woman

Scorpio leaves sees Sagittarius,Gemini,Capricorn,Libra Okay everyone but cancer

Scorpio:hey up happened

Sagittarius:didn't you hear cancers DEAD

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