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I awoke the next morning covered in sweat. At first, I thought I might've actually been dreaming. Then, I looked around.

I was lying on a dull, white-sheeted bed. The walls were gray. I buried my head into the pillow.

"It wasn't a dream, you know," came a voice from the ceiling.

I looked directly up. A girl was plastered to the roof. She had red hair that fell in curly ringlets. Nothing held her to the ceiling but her hands.

She dropped, landing in front of my bed. She, like the girl in my dream with curly blond hair, had silver eyes. Her outfit was normal - a navy blue tee shirt and white jeans.

"I'm Juno," she said, holding out her hand. I shook it.

She grinned. "And you're Julius Carnal, right?"

I nodded and waved slightly.

She chuckled. "Everyone's freaked out by the wall crawler."

"Wall crawler?" I asked. "Like... a spider?"

"Now, you talk!" she exclaimed. "Yes, a wall crawler. I can climb walls without using a rope. Just my hands. And -" She threw her arm to my throat and pushed me back against the wall. "- if you ever compare me to a spider again, I'll show you how arachnids feel when they get squashed."

I nodded quickly, and she removed her hand. "Sorry. I have a problem with anger management. My father sent me here to give you a tour around the TGO."

"And your father is...?" I asked.

She smiled. "The director, Sir Kale Isador."

Something clicked in my head. Her accent was also slightly British, although you couldn't hear it much.

"C'mon!" she said impatiently, annoyed at my gawking. She grabbed my hand, which made my cheeks go red, and pulled me out of the building.

The TGO, if that's what it supposedly was called, was very beautiful. It was a clearing in the middle of a wild forest. Animal sounds came from the surrounding woods, and birds circled over the clearing.

Juno dropped my hand, and began to walk. "This place has been home to my father since he was a child. He grew up here. My grandfather founded this place when my father was young. It was just after my grandmother died.

"My grandfather discovered a child, I believe he was eight. He studied him, and found out he had a talent. That's when this whole group was born. My grandfather found kids with talents and took them here to study them. He wanted to figure out what made them that way.

"My grandfather died when my father was eighteen from a heart attack. My father then took over, and he met his wife. She wasn't talented, or so he thought. After my dad's son and two daughters were born, me, my twin sister, Elizabella, and my older brother, Isaac, she was mysteriously murdered. Nobody knows why, even my father.

"My dad trained me and my sister in his own image. Isaac was a little... different. Dad kinda ignores him. I think he wants me and Bella to take over the TGO someday. Listen -" She stopped to turn and stare at me. Her silver eyes were petrifying. "You can't tell my father I have a gift."

"Why not?" I asked.

"I've seen what they do to those with physical gifts. It's not pretty. Elizabella is the only one besides you who knows."

"Why do you trust me?"

She smiled. "You're eyes are clean."

I averted my eyes self-consciously. "What do you mean?"

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