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Once upon a time, one too many angels fell from the sky. but now, he was finally going back to heaven.

Im jaebum sat in front of the tombstone.

He could not believe it.

It had been four days since choi youngjae died. four days and he still couldn't believe it.

No matter how long he screamed and cried, he could never see youngjae smile again. he read the note hundreds of times, memorizing the patterns of the pen strokes.

He took the ring off his finger before youngjae was buried. Jaebum now wore it on his.

Maybe if he said yes, youngjae would still be here now. maybe if he said yes, his best friend would still be alive.

But he was foolish.

He was afraid.

Jb remembered their first date together. It was his favorite day. he loved the way youngjaes eyes glistened in the sun. they weren't just brown, they were brown with speckles of red and yellow. the colors danced together to make something new. they resembled a sunrise. unfortunately, he was never awake to see them at their peak.

But the sun was now setting again and the stars could be seen in darkness.

He looked up and thought of him. Jb remembered the way youngjaes eyes crinkled when he laughed. absolutely everything about youngjae was perfect.

Jb knew, youngjae was an angel; still watching over him.

He saw the stars and knew youngjae could see them with a much better view.

He looked up and fell in love all over again with the idea of a happy ending.

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