Chapter 6

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(V & JM's thoughts: I can't believe this!! HE WAS IN THE CHAT THE WHOLE TIME!! AHH... 😱

V: Umm...

JM: Umm...

JK: I said what's going on?!

V: H- How did you get here?!

JM: Ya!

JK: I told you that we made a group chat, which is this one we are texting on...

V: Oh we should have been more careful

JM: We!! Your the one who text me...

V: True...

JK: You guys are some silly boys ㅋㅋㅋ

V: Hey where older than you!

JM: Ya!

JK: Yah! I at least act like a man...

V: "Caught in a lie!!"

JM: ㅋㅋㅋ

JK: Oh shut up... Jiminie pabo

V: ㅋㅋㅋ

JM: Oh shut up Jungkook -ah

V: You guys are killing me     ㅋㅋㅋ

JM: Now, serious Jungkook who do you like?

V: Oh ya who do you like? Honesty!!

JK: Umm... I can't say

V: Why not?

JM: No hard feelings Kookie... ❤️

JK: Umm... Love is difficult

JM: Come on just tell us!!

JK: I- I like...


Who will Jungkook pick as his crush will it be V or Jimin comment in the comments section and say who you rather Jungkook be with... the one with the most votes will be Jungkook crush. So ya look forward to that!😱

Well until next time love you all take care and keep smiling!❤️☺️

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