Chapter 7

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"Baby, you know I didn't mean any of that!" Cassandra pleaded as I stormed up the stairs. Her fake nails clawed at my arm to keep me still but I shook free from her grip and stomped up the stairs.

"I'm sick of it Cassandra!" I snapped as I spun around and glared at her, the sudden motion surprised her and caused her to take a step down. I held my finger in her face as I talked,"This isn't working because you don't love me anymore you only love my money!" I shouted before turning around and continuing up the steps. I burst into our bedroom that I never sleep in anymore, I was either falling asleep at my desk or the guest bedroom down the hall.

Cassandra was hot on my tail and she burst in as well," What are you saying, Samual!" She asked with wide eyes and lips smashed into a firm line.

I sighed out in annoyance as I threw my suitcase on the bed," I'm saying, the lawyers will call you soon, we are done!" I said and her eyes widened more and I could see the panic in her eyes and I knew what was next.

She burst into an award-winning sob and she grabbed for me but I shook her hands off of me,"Samual you can't leave can't leave us!" She said and I froze my actions of unzipping the suitcase and It fell quiet in the room aside from her sniffling. I looked over my shoulder to see her gripping her stomach and my mouth dropped. I looked into her eyes and all my anger depleted at the mear thought of what she was insinuating.

"Cass are you-" I drifted off and she smiled.

"Pregnant? Yes!" She said and I sucked in a breath. She was pregnant, after four years of being together she was finally giving me what I have always wanted and practically begged her for. I felt my eyes sting as I was now overjoyed at the fact that I would be a dad.

"Oh my god!" I said as my lips curled upward and she looked pleased with my response,"Oh my god!" I said louder and I quickly wrapped my arms around her and picked her up and spun her around. All of my hatred towards her was gone and my judgment was clouded over with a thick veil of excitement,"I'm gonna be a father!" I said as I laughed and she giggled and grinned at me.

"You are, Samual!" She said as she looked down at me with bright eyes.

I set her down and I brushed her hair behind her ear. I searched her eyes for a moment and I sighed. I had to stay. This changed everything! I had everything planned out I was gonna leave Cassandra like I've been wanting to do for months and I was gonna get more involved in Mary's life, but now that was only a dream. A dream I can no longer have. I had to stop whatever I have with Mary because I'll be damned if I bring a child into this world and have him or her see me as a cheater. I was a cheater I will admit that, when I kissed Mary that was cheating. I don't regret it, but it was still wrong.

The thought of what happened the other day in Mary's kitchen sent heat to my cheeks, it was possibly the most passion i've had in a while. The way we moved was something i've never experienced before and I wanted nothing more then to go to her house and finish what I started. I can't though, I have to stop seeing her. I'm gonna do what I did when I had to quite smoking, go cold turkey. I am completly cutting off any contact with her, it will hurt both of us, but it's the right thing to do.

"How far along?" I asked as I looked at her with excitment and she bit her lip and turned around and began to put my suit case away.

"Oh you know just a couple of weeks," She said and I nodded already planning on turning one of the guest bedrooms into a nursery. What color should I paint it? Do I wait till I know what gender it will be?

"When's your next doctors appointment?" I asked and she stilled and then quickly composed herself by folding my work shirt that was on the ground.

"Next Tuesday," She said and I frowned.

"I have a surgery that day," I said in a disappointed tone and she gave me a sympathetic smile.

"There will be plenty more doctors appointments, Samual," She said as she caressed my cheek and I nodded.

I pulled away and she frowned, "Alright," I said and turned around and walked out of the room. The news of her being pregnant was wonderful, but that just means I have to endure a marriage with a person I'm not in love with. Maybe the baby will help light that spark again.

I sighed as I entered my office and sank into my seat. I couldn't help searching on the computer different baby items. The excitement was too much not to.



I'm such an idiot!

I threw my phone on the bed after calling Sam but there was no answer. He's been ignoring my calls for 2 weeks. I was honestly crushed because I thought I was beginning to feel something for him, but he was married. I should have expected him to do this. I guess I just didn't expect it to hurt so bad.

Tessa knew there was something wrong but I didn't want to tell her what had happened. I didn't want her to look at me differently since I kissed a married man. I don't want to see the pity in her eyes.

I wonder what he's doing- No! Mary, you have to forget about him!

I sighed and scooted off my bed, but not before picking up my phone and making the decision to delete his number and cut off all ties to him.

As I messed with my phone it rang and I pursed my lips when I saw it was Tessa, "Hello?" I said.

"Hey bitch, what's up?" She asked and I told her nothing, "Oh you won't believe who I ran into today!" She said and I asked who as I began to set out my outfit for tomorrow. "Cassandra Knight, that lucky bitch is married to the hunk you said spent the night on your couch. What was his name? Oh yeah, Samual!" I sucked in a breath at his name, but I continued to act nonchalant about it.

"Oh," I said as I held up a shirt to my chest to see what it looked like.

"But guess where I saw her? In the baby section!" She said and my lips parted in shock. "And I was like are you expecting and she said she's 10 weeks pregnant!"

My heart sank, that's why he never called. Sam had a good heart and a dream to have a family. He choose to stay with his wife because she was finally giving him what he wanted. I was happy for him that he was gonna be a dad, but that doesn't lessen the sting.

"Wow," I said monotone and she laughed.

"Don't be mad you can't hit that now," She giggles and I rolled my eyes. If only she knew how much that stung to.

"I gotta go," I said and quickly hung up and threw my phone on my bed.

I know I barely knew him and all but the month we did know each other was amazing. He was so kind and he always put a smile on my face and he helped me not be stressed.

I well...I finally had my period. It explained why I was so horny when he was here last and I practically jumped him. I was pms'ing then.

I sighed and slumped down on my bed, I guess I have to get back into my lonely routine.

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