The year is 2530. It is the month of the Cloudzaar, the Festival of Knowledge in the Space station of Cloud 1, Capital of the Universe. The people of Cloud 1 celebrate their awareness of peace, prosperity, and the five hundredth-year anniversary of the first Biotronical Being. Meanwhile, hundreds of light-years away, a seventeen-year-old girl called Astryd Valkarys trains aboard the M.I.E – Metagalactic Institution of Education. Being the youngest Galactic Architect-in-training ever to be allowed onto the space station, Astryd is alone. She has no real friends and prefers to spend her days in her dorm, flicking through eBooks. On the last day of the Cloudzaar a distress call is located not far away, and the Institution sends a medical shuttle to meet it. They bring back the lone survivor of a Space Pirate battle: a boy who has lost all of his memories.