School and Adventure.

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Me and Maya signed up for Emily's school. Auggie, Ava and our friends also signed up for her school. We're walking when we see Emily. Emily is showing off her beautiful crystal to the kids. We walk up to her. Emily. Hi you guys. What did you think of the show? It was amazing! It was great! I think its great that you guys chose to start going to my school. Well thanks. Your welcome. Our friends are also going to be in your class I said. That's great. Class we're going to the law stone. This here is were we get some of our laws from. Wow! we said. "Eat to live. Don't live to eat". Fifth law of Dinotopia. What does the seventh law say? A girl puts her hand up. Give more and take less. Yes good job Jamie. (I don't know what order the codes are really in. Write it down in the comment area below if you do know). Down here it says Find the Light. Me, Riley and our friends start going to school. The Sun Stones are starting to fail. Me and Riley are kissing. Emily walks in and sees what we're doing. Aw. Wait. We fall over the railing! Not agaiiin! Me and Maya are holding onto one another tightly as we're falling. Me and Riley fall into the water fall and land in the water. Bash!. We're carried down streem and we pass out. Maya and Riley have a healing facter and can breathe under water. Father! Emily, what is it? Whats wrong? Its my friends. Maya and Riley got too close to the rail and they fell over to the failing. What! Did they fall into the waterfall? Yes. We'll send out a search team right now. They send out a search team. Who's gone missing? Sir. Its Maya and Riley. They fell over the railing and landed in the water. We'll find them sir. They take off. Maya and Maya have been gone for 24 hours. I'm going after them. I'm coming with you Emily. (It unknown how they got out of Waterfall City. A bus?). Me and Riley wash up on the shore of a lake. We wake up and try to get up. But we can't. So we craw and stop and rest together. We fall asleep. Our bodies will start healing soon. Me and Zippo are walking through the woods. We see a Postal Bird. The bird lands. Our friends, Riley and Maya have gone missing. Follow the river and when you find them. Tell them that me and Zippo are looking for them. Got it. He flys away. The bird lands. Hello, Maya and Riley. Yes. The mayor has sent out a search party for you and Emily and Zippo are also looking for you. Tell the mayor that we're alright and that we'll be home soon. He flys away and is heading back to Waterfall City. Maya! Riley! Were are you!? We hear our names being called. Emily! Zippo! We're over here! Emily smiles and we hug her. Wait, whats this? I turn on my head camera and we're walking across the bridge and we enter the tunnel. There's carvings on the walls. Wow! These carvins. This is an entrance to the World Below. Wait, then the Tyranodons will know we're here. Me and Riley take some pictures of the carvings with our cameras. We leave the cave and we're walking across the bridge. Zippo make it across and a crock jumps out and trys to eat us. I catch him with my telekinesis and throw him back into the water. We keep walking and a large crock trys to eat us. We push him off the bridge and he lands back in the water. Me and Maya make it to end of the bridge. We're walking through the woods and the search party finds us. They take us to the nearest town. Its the same town that we saw when we first landed in Dinotopia. We climb down the Brachio. We're walking when we meet Emily's mother. Mother! Its great to see you. Mom. I'd like you to meet my best friends. I'm Maya. And your Riley. I've heard about you both. Most of it good I hear. Well, it was nice to meet you. You too. You should meet our family. I'd be honored to. Is there a hotel open right now. Yes and its small and has two beds. Emily shows us where it is. We enter the building and turn off our cameras. We're laying in bed and we cuddle. We wake up in the morning at ten o'clock. Me and Maya take a shower together. We get out of the shower and get dressed. I put on some black eyeliner and put on a green shirt and some brown pants. Riley puts on a brown shirt and a black skirt. l put on some blue eyeliner. Emily checks on us and finds me combing Maya's hair. How are you guys doing? We're doing great. We just got out of the shower. That's good. We'll be down for breakfast. She leaves us be.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2017 ⏰

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