I'm Coming Lloyd

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Alex's POV
I was in my room, sitting on my bed. Thinking about Lloyd... Is he lonely? Dose he still feel? Dose he still feel pain? Where is he? I sighed, I got out of my bed. I opened my door, and saw Cole. He opened his door at the same time as me.

We stared at each other... I can't believe I broke his heart... I walked to the opposite direction, I looked back. I caught Cole looking at me as he walked. We both quickly turned our heads. It's so awkward to be around him now...  Why was he looking at me?... He has Seliel.... Whatever, I went to the training room.

I already had my ninja GI on, so I attacked the dummies. I kicked, it punched. I punched, it tripped me I fell. I heard a laugh, an annoying laugh. Seliel... Oh great.

"Alex I think you were suppose to jump. Not punched." Seliel said, I rolled my eyes. "Oh really!? Like, omg! Thank you Seliel that was like soooo helpful!" I said, in a sarcastic way. Seliel grinned. "Your just jealous that Cole is with me again." Seliel said, I groaned.

"I'm over him, dumbass." I said, Seliel scoffed. "Sure you are.... Oh wait yes you are over him because you like Lloyd! Where is he?... Oh wait I forgot... Lloydie is dead. Dead. Dead. Dead." Seliel said. That's it.

I threw my sword at her. "Rulle." I whispered. It cut her arm, making her bleed. She gasped, she ran to attack me. When she got close enough, I grabber her neck. I was choking her, she tried to hit my arms. Nothing happened.

"Never... Mention Lloyd... Don't call him Lloydie... You freaking dumbass, I told you... I'm over Cole..." I said, Seliel's face was blue.

"JAYLINE STOP!!!" A voice yelled, I let go. Seliel fell down, she was gasping for air. I turned to see who it was.... Cole... Sun of a-...

"What the hell!?" Cole yelled, he ran to Seliel. "Are you hurt?" Cole asked, Seliel smirked at me. "N-No... She hurt me, I just came to ask her if s-she was o-ok and then she j-just at-attack me... What did I di wrong? I was just trying t-ro be f-friends..." Seliel said, fake tears down her cheeks.

She looks at me, and smirks... That little asshole... Cole believed it. "What were you thinking Jayline?" Cole asked, and yes Cole calls me Jayline now.

"What!? Are you serious!? You believe her?! What the hell Cole! She started it as usual! I was training, I made a mistake I fell. Then this ass came and started something!" I yelled, Cole only stared.

"You'll say anything to get out of trouble... Especially with Lloyd." Cole said, my eyes widen. Oh no he didn't... Now I'm angry, I clutched my fist tighter, my knuckled turning white.

"ARE YOI SERIOUS!? ARE YOU SERIOUSLY BRINGING LLOYD UP!? ARE YOU- OH MY GOD!!!!" I yelled. Cole looked shocked, he frowned. "Yes I'm bringing him up." Cole said, he hissed when he say him.

"Lloyd was your friend, he was always there for you." I said, Cole scoffed. "Yeah was." Cole said, I was getting more mad. "He sacrificed himself for all of us... And this is his you repay him!? Talking crap about him!?" I asked, Cole nodded.

"He fell in love with you. He stole you away from me." Cole said, boy I really want to slap him. No even better, sock him. "Why do you care!? You broke up with me!!" I yelled, Cole was getting mad. "You guys kissed! Especially while we were still dating!" Cole yelled.


"You dated Avery, after breaking up with me!" Cole yelled. "So what!?" I asked. "That only made it worse Alex, I was more of a Yandere than a teenager jealously boy! I killed everyone because they tried to help he, and protect you!!!" Cole yelled, he was taking deep breaths. I took a deep on, just then everyone came in. I stared at Cole...

"You know why I started dating Avery?... I thought if I dated someone else, then you would get out of my head. Maybe I wouldn't be in love with you... But it didn't work... And that's because... I couldn't help but love you, even though I try no not... I couldn't help but want you, I knew that I'll die without you... No one can replace you Cole... But you shouldn't care, you're happy with Seliel. And I'm happy by my self, cause I won't have no more problems." I said, Cole stared at me, Seliel scoffed.

Just like that, I walked away. When I couldn't see anyone, I ran to my room. I slammed the door, I locked it. I ran to my bed and screamed in my pillow. I looked at my picture I have under my pillow... It was with me and Lloyd, when he turned 17,  his birthday party. Vanilla frosting was all over his nose, and sprinkles was all over my hair, we were hugging and smiling.

I started to cry... He's gone because of me... It's my fault... I hate myself for this... I don't deserve to live... It should of been me... Not Monty...

I grabbed my knife, and sliced my wrist, watching the blood drip. I smiled, I'll be with Lloyd if I kill myself... I could be just us two... I kept cutting, I was losing a lot of blood. I smirked, that's ok... I don't need blood...

I felt light headed, I kept cutting. I cut my wrists, arms, legs, and then my chest. A big cut bleed splashing all over my room. I heard footsteps coming towards my room. They tried to open the door, I grinned... I locked the door...

Someone broke the door, I smiled. I waved them goodbye whoever that was... I fainted, before I could hit the ground someone caught me... I shut my eyes, slowly drifting to nothing but the darkness....

I'm Coming Lloyd...

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