10. Resurrected (Auferstehung)

185 34 151

Theme song: Falling - Florence + The Machine


Staring out at the pouring rain, with his back to her and his scythe in his hand, he spoke.

Well.. You killed her exactly one hour...... and two seconds after I asked you to make your decision. Two seconds is a lot of time Frieda... I gave you an hour only. And what did I say the consequence was again?

"You all die" she whispered...

"Tut.. Tut.. Tut..I'm a nice guy" he spoke , still staring out at the rain..

"Killing can be tiring at times.. I prefer having you humans as puppets" he laughed devilishly..

"Pawns in my hands to move around as I wish" he said...

"So... I could make you another deal. " he grinned..

At this, Frieda sank to the floor...

"You... You.. You will trick me again. Just. Just.. kill me" she said shakily...

"Along with you sister Finja and who if I may add, is in a coma right now.. Hers is simple... She won't wake" he said slowly, emphasizing each word..

At the mention of Finja's name, she looked back up at him. She couldn't allow Finja to die, she had nothing to do with all these and besides, she loved her.

"Time is not on your side Frieda.. " the Grim whispered.

"What do you want?" She asked finally.

Grinning, he spoke " Simple.. I want you. I want you to work for me"


"You. You will be my assistant.. " he laughed.

"A reaper of the hearts of men. Of all those that have tricked and cheated me in the past"

Frieda thought for a long time...

"One last thing.. Apart from saving your life and that of Finja, you get fame in return"

At this , she perked up...

Fame... Fame.. And my life and that of Finja.... I have to.. I've always wanted to be famous all my life. This is my chance. Besides, if I don't do this, I'll die. I can't end my life here.. Or now. I need to live life... I have to do this.. And I'll also get my revenge on this cruel world "

He knew he had gotten her here.

In all that chaos, she had a desperate desire to be famous... Just one more push, she'll be all mine. How I love who I am.. Now, I can get back at all those puny humans in a more interesting way..."

He spoke again...

"Haven't you always desired fame , Frieda? Think about it. Everything. Everyone. At your disposal. Your face everywhere. Your name on everyones tongue. Think about it."

Smiling for the first time that night, she rose up.

"I accept"

With an evil grin on his face, he turned sharply and with one strike of his scythe, he killed her.


Finja woke up from a deep slumber. At least, that was what she thought it was..

She had had the strangest dream. And she could only recall bits of it.

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