Chapter 2

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Natsu Takahashi's  POV


I have had this weird feeling ever since a few weeks ago. A feeling that I just can't shake off. I stay up late at nights trying to figure it out but I can't put my finger on it. It's as if my mind is trying to tell me something that I have forgotten. It gnaws at my chest all damn day to remind me of its presence. And if I'm being honest; I'm scared.


"Finally! Practice is over," Chase walks along me, hands wrapped behind his head, as I join the rest of the players making their way towards the locker room where we can take our showers that we all desperately need. 

"School doesn't start for another two weeks and we're already working more than we need to!"

"It wasn't that bad today." I console my visibly distraught best friend.

To be honest, coach had been forgiving today. It was nothing compared to what we have to go through most days. Especially with the major tournaments we have coming up this year.

"Easy for you to say, it was our team that lost 3 to 2."

 Ah! So this is why he's acting so moody. I punch him playfully on the shoulder as, with my other hand, I zip open my bag and rummage through it, looking for my water bottle.

"Way to be a sore loser." I tease. 

At last, I find my water. I screw open the bottle and chug down its contents. I throw the other bottle at Chase who catches it perfectly with a sweep of his hand. 

"Nice catch." My compliment brightens his mood. 

"Sore loser? No way! We are definitely going to win next time, you better watch out!" He points at me, a cocky expression on his face.

"There's the Chase I know." 

One of the things I like most about Chase is that he is always very easy to cheer up and doesn't stay fixated on something for too long. This specific trait also annoyed me when I need him to focus on something important.

Chase Miller and I had been friends ever since we started the eighth grade, our mutual love for sports, basketball specifically, led to our first encounter. We had found ourselves face to face for the very first time, in front of the sign up sheet for the basketball team. Chase only eyed me competitively, signed his name and left without a word. Not a great first impression, I know, but soon when both of us were selected for the team, both of us the youngest members of the team, we got to know each other and, before you know it we're best of friends.

But sometimes Chase got a bit... controlling and possessive. That led to most of our fights. But after throwing a couple of punches we went right back to normal.

Chase wolfed down the water and flawlessly threw the empty bottle in the bin a few feet away.

 He had always been a great shot. I was the fastest person on our team and had an outstanding hand to eye coordination. With the right strategies, we can become quite a formidable duo.

 Pulling my clothes off I head for the showers. Doing my thing, I exit only after I'm dressed in clean, non-sweaty clothes. I met up with Chase in front of his locker where he was rubbing a towel through his own wet hair.

"C'mon," Chase tugs my arm after throwing away the towel on the ground, "I promised the parentals I would be home before grandma reached. And that old hag is probably early, as always." He starts making his way to the parking lot.

I frown at the way he refers to his grandma. I known for a fact that I loved mine. She was sweet as sugar and always made me my favourite vanilla coconut cookies. But for all I know Chase's grandmother is one of those old ladies who would love nothing better than to beat you with her cane.

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