Chapter 4

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Natsu Hayashi's POV


I grin to myself as I walk down the hallways to class after leaving Charlie at the office. There's a grin on my face as I remembered the look of awe on her face at seeing Chase's prized black Ferrari.

She probably thought it was mine. Which, I must say, is how I prefer it to be. I felt the need to impress her. Just like last time I had had the same weird feeling when I saw her; the feeling of finding something I didn't even know was lost. The feeling is welcomed. Though I am confused. I never really wanted anyone to like me other than Chase and my family. Their opinion is the only one that matters.

The sharp sound of the bell going off jerks me back to reality. Oh right! Class, I'm going to be late! Oh hell nah, I am not going to get detention the first day of school. My parents would skin me alive.

I sprinted through the enormous hallways, bumping into quite a few students, muttering quick apologies to the people I disturbed on my way. Seriously, this school has too many unnecessary hallways. But I guess that is how they impress the rich to enroll their kids in this school. Yup, their children must feel right at home with these over sized, fancy hallways, but to me their just a hindrance. It takes forever to reach a class-room

I slow down and came to a stop in front of my class. Hastily, I dust off some of the dirt I caught from knocking over the large vase of flowers. At least I was lucky that it didn't break on me. Heaven knows how much we'd have to pay as a repair fee if i did.  I open the door to face my Economics teacher, Mr. Hugh, glaring down at me. I put on a cool face, the one I always have on during school and strut in. But like every other day, it was all a facade to maintain my popularity. I may not care for any of the students opinions but their appreciation of me is welcomed.

I walk over to my seat, a charming smile on my face. I sit at my desk. 

Mr. Hugh clears his throat, "I'm sure you don't want to stay after school or detention Mr. Takahashi, so it's best for you to try and present yourself on time. Since it's the first day of school I'll let it slide, however, next time it's detention for you. Anyway, class continue." 

Chase, who is sitting in the chair next to me hands me a note.

Page 65, from where we left off. Who's this Charlie?

I scribble down my answer.

Just someone I met a few days ago, thanks.

As I pull out my book, Chase slips another note to me.

You seemed pretty close to her for someone you met a few days ago. Anyways she looks like a geek.

I felt personally offended. I glare at him.

Yeah? Then why do you care?!

I more or less throw the note at his face. What got me so offended? It's just that I couldn't stand him talking bad about Charlie like that, like I have to stand up for her.

I ignore the rest of the notes he sends my way and finish my assignment in quiet.

As class ended I made my way out without even looking at Chase. Was that Chase calling out my name telling me to stop? I didn't care. I keep moving without a hint of hesitance. But I can't help but wonder if I am making the wrong choice. 

No, I get this strange assurity that that is what I'm supposed to do. 

As I delved in my locker, I see the unmistakable red hair. Almost magnetically, I tried to catch up to her, my hand wrapped around my books, however I lose her in the sea of students pouring out of classrooms, maybe I'll see her at lunch.

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