Episode three

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         Evelyn se trezise. Isi trase patura, privind in jur. Era inca agitata de faptul ca Ben o vizitase. Se ridica, privind sub pat. Nu era nimic. Dupa perdea, oriunde. Dar nu a fost.

         Se uita la ceas, acesta aratand 8:56. A intarziat la liceu. Nu ii pasa. A luat telefonul, s-a imbracat si a plecat. Nici ea nu stia unde. De fapt, stia..Voia sa mearga la directorul Bob. Bob era surprins de vizita sa. Nu se astepta. Ea l-a salutat, intrand in casa. Evelyn a fost socata sa vada un tanar cu parul brunet in living. Parul ii era incretit si arata cam de varsta ei. Baiatul i-a zambit. Iar Bob i-a spus cu amuzament.

-Uhm, buna, Eve!

-Buna, tati! spuse ea cu o voce inocenta, evelyn fiind rusinata.

          Bob a fost ca un tata pentru ea. Brad ii privea confuz, ca apoi sa asculte vocea lui Bob.

-El e Brad, nepotul meu. Are nouasprezece ani.

            Evelyn il aproba.

-Brad, ea e Eve. Ea este orfana si o cunosc de cand era o fetita. O consider fiica mea deoarece am grija intotdeauna de ea, continua Bob.

            Brad tacea. Dar apoi a zambit. Se ridica si se duse la Evelyn. El o imbratiseaza. Eve il privi socata. Nimeni nu o mai imbratisase cu exceptia lui Bob. Absolut nimeni. Ea a zambit, inconjurandu-i abdomenul

- We'll be friends now, Eve! Brad smiled.

   Evelyn did not know what "friends" meant. But Brad would show . Brad looked like a good boy. There was an hour, Bob and Brad gossip. As they say.

- And Eve ... Something else happened? Bob inquired curiously.

     Eve looked in blank. She could not tell her that she had listened to the bad colleagues and that she called a murderer who had stayed with her in the same room. It would sound ridiculous and dangerous.

-Uhm, of course not, Dad! Only colleagues who always who laughs at me, whispered Evelyn's last painful part.

-Why are they doing this, Eve? Brad inquired curiously.

- I do not know ... Because I'm an orphan, anti-socialist, as they call me, and I hear bad rumors about me. Some have said I'm Bob's mistress, "she muttered shamefully.

- Do not listen to him! They're just the Devil's toys that want to manipulate you! laughed Bob.

 - You're right, Daddy! Evelyn laughed joyfully.

           He pulled the phone out of his pocket, watching the clock. It 13 p.m. She stood up.

-I apologize, but I have to go! It's late and I think I'm going home to sleep! Eve said.

- It's no problem, sweetheart! Bob replied. But why did not you go to high school? said the man seriously.

-I woke up late.

-Okay, but, next time, do not wake up late. You know I've got you out of trouble every time.

-You're right, Dad, laughed Eve.

            Evelyn got up and hugged Brad and Bob. She greeted thim and went home. She was very tired. When she arrived she pulled her blanket over her, asleep. But he heard a voice that said, " Evelyn, it's the last time."

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Dec 23, 2017 ⏰

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