A Very Wet Escape From a Very Angry Mob

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Before I continue with the story I feel I should make some explanations to the reader. I started sharing this story on my blog around a month ago, and I carefully edited before I put it up. I also cut chapters down into shorter bits. But now, I've decided to keep it on Wattpad alone, and finish this story in November with NaNoWriMo. Which means...I have three of the original chapters left to share, so I have decided to upload them once a week, which will take me nicely to the edge of NaNo.

They're going to be rougher, though where necessary I will make any notes or needed changes so no one will be confused. But please remember, this is rough first draft material. I won't have time during NaNo to pretty things up as I write. You're going to see it exactly as it comes out of my...which by the way, often includes a lot of brackets saying, Come back and do such and such to fix this later! So, if that sort of thing doesn't bother you, I hope you will join in on the journey.

And now, the plot returns to Sophie for a chapter (remembering, of course, this is a considerably longer chapter than before!). Will they go in search of the royal family or not?

By that evening, Sophie had gotten Shagfry calmed down. Until they could figure out a plan anyway. "We can't just go off without a plan of any sort," she explained.

"Why not?" said Shagfry. "We got here without a plan of any sort."

"Yeah, but--" Sophie couldn't think of a good reply. No explanation that came to mind seemed to properly explain and only made her dizzy and confused.

And then, the reminder of how they had gotten to Silvenshire reminded her of something else.

"Oh!" She gasped. "What will Mom and Dad think when they can't find me?"

"That the monster got you?" suggested Aster helpfully.

"I resent that," growled Shagfry.

"No," said Sophie. "They didn't believe that. But they'll still worry!"

"Maybe not," said Aster. "If you can get back through a Time Sonar. Then it will be as if no time at has passed since you left them and they'll never know. Unfortunately the only Time Sonar ever known of was owned by the Royal Family. And it disappeared with them."

Sophie glanced at Shagfry. "Is this true?"

He nodded. "They had one alright. I'm not sure what it looked like, but I heard it was in the queen's keeping."

"Well then." She crossed her arms. "All the more reason to find them! But how?"

"Tonight at the pavilion," said Aster. "Ask the mayor for help. I'm sure he can arrange it."

"The pavilion?" said Sophie.

"Yes," she explained. "Every night the entire community--toys, dolls, animals--everyone gathers under The Great Pavilion for a big supper. Or at least we gather. You know, some of us don't need to eat. But we like to meet and have fun every night. So we do."

A few hours later, Sophie found herself walking over the bridge in the twilight with Aster and Shagfry. They ambled up the path and around to the pavillion--a giant, open air, tent-like structure, lit with torches. Sweet music piped gaily through the air on flutes and cymbals, with a fast beat that made Sophie's toes tap and beghed her to break into dance.

"Ah, here comes our visitors!" cried a voice through the swirling crowd of dancing creatures. "Welcome Kangapen! Welcome Human Girl!"

The music stopped and the dancers moved toward a fire built in the middle of the pavilion. Ears trotted towards them with an important tilt to his head.

Adventures In Malila: The Ivory Princess (Book the First)Where stories live. Discover now